How To Stay Focused While Studying

How To Stay Focused While Studying

posted 2023 Sep by

Are you finding it hard to stay focused while studying? Scattered focus often leads to decreased productivity and hampers learning outcomes. Maintaining a sharp concentration is essential for absorbing and retaining information effectively. 

But the modern world, with all its digital distractions, poses a real challenge to our brain's ability to focus. By understanding how this happens, we can work towards enhancing our focus for better learning outcomes.

Why Is It So Hard To Stay Focused While Studying?

There’s no denying that in our fast-paced digital environment, it's becoming increasingly more difficult to maintain focus. It's not just about willpower; our modern lifestyle and environment have fundamentally reshaped the way our brains function. 

Scientifically speaking, our brains are highly adaptable, continuously rewiring to adapt to new stimuli. However, the barrage of digital distractions we face daily can impact our brain's ability to maintain a laser-like focus. 

Studies have shown that constant interruptions from apps, emails, social media notifications, distracting websites, and other digital interferences can fragment our attention, making it tough to concentrate. As if that wasn’t bad enough, having an overwhelming amount of study material can induce stress and lead to procrastination (more on that later). 

But it's not all doom and gloom — with the right strategies and tools, we can counter these challenges and enhance our attention span.

6 Techniques To Stay Focused While Studying

It can be quite a challenge to stay focused. With multiple distractions vying for our attention, it can be hard to concentrate on the task at hand. However, there are techniques that can help you sharpen your focus and enhance your study efficiency. 

Let's explore six of these techniques that could transform your study sessions.

1. Create a Study Plan

Creating a study plan can be a roadmap to academic success. It begins with a thorough understanding of your learning objectives. 

Ask yourself, what do you hope to achieve at the end of your study period? Once you have defined your goals, tailor your study schedule to meet these objectives.

Start by breaking down your study goals into small, digestible tasks. Instead of trying to tackle an entire chapter in one sitting, plan to focus on specific sections at a time. 

Use a to-do list or a planner to organize these tasks. Checking off completed tasks can provide a sense of accomplishment, which boosts motivation and keeps procrastination at bay. 

Study plans can also foster better time management. By allocating specific time slots for each task, you avoid overworking and maintain a healthy and productive study routine.

2. Join a Study Group

Studying in a group can bring numerous benefits. Being part of a study group introduces different perspectives and enhances understanding of complex concepts through in-depth discussions. 

Additionally, these groups also provide a sense of accountability. Knowing that others are relying on you can motivate you to stay on task.

Study groups also present an opportunity to learn new study tips and techniques. Perhaps a group member uses a note-taking method you haven't tried, or they have resources that you don’t. Sharing these resources and strategies can make studying more effective and enjoyable.

3. Try the Pomodoro Technique

Developed in the late 1980s, the Pomodoro Technique is a time management method designed to improve focus and productivity. 

The process is simple: study for a set period of time (say 25 minutes), then take a five-minute break. Repeat this cycle four times, and then take a longer break of 15 to 30 minutes. This technique works on the principle that these frequent breaks can enhance mental agility. 

By dividing your study time into focused intervals, you’ll avoid cramming and be less likely to become fatigued or overwhelmed. It's a practical approach to maintaining concentration and energy levels during long study sessions.

4. Get Regular Exercise

Physical activity is a powerful tool for boosting cognitive function. Regular exercise, even in short bursts, can drastically improve your focus and energy levels. 

Getting some fresh air on a brisk walk or a short yoga session can increase blood flow to the brain, produce mood-enhancing hormones, and support your well-being. 

Deep breathing exercises can also help in maintaining focus. Controlled breathing not only reduces stress but also improves brain function by increasing oxygen supply. 

Incorporating these activities into your study routine can lead to a significant improvement in your focus and productivity.

5. Switch Things Up

Variety in your study routine can keep your brain stimulated and engaged. Using different resources and methods can help reinforce your understanding of the material. For instance, flashcards can be effective for memorizing facts, while educational videos can provide a visual and auditory learning experience.

Teaching someone else (friends, classmates, roommates, etc.) is another excellent way to consolidate your learning. It forces you to explain concepts in your own words, enhancing your comprehension and retention of the material.

6. Add Some Background Noise

Interestingly, a certain level of background noise can improve concentration. This is known as the “ambient noise effect.” 

A playlist featuring light music, the hum of a coffee shop, or the sound of rain can provide just the right level of background noise to produce dopamine, stimulating creativity and focus without being distracting. 

Experiment with different types of noise to find what suits you best. It's all about creating an environment that works for you, enhancing your focus, and optimizing your study sessions.

What Are the Common Causes of Procrastination?

Procrastination is a complex issue with roots in psychology. There are many reasons why someone can be prone to procrastination. The key to defeating procrastination is understanding what’s causing it in the first place.

Some people procrastinate due to perfectionism, as their fear of producing subpar work prevents them from starting at all. Others procrastinate out of a fear of failure, associating their self-worth with their ability to succeed. 

Distractions, such as social media, TV, or even a cluttered workspace, can also contribute to procrastination by presenting a more appealing alternative to work. Lastly, poor time management can make tasks appear more daunting than they are, further encouraging procrastination. 

It can be difficult to address these underlying causes of procrastination. However, the techniques listed above are a good place to start. Remember, it's okay to make mistakes, and it's alright not to be perfect. The focus should be on progress, not perfection.

How Can Your Study Environment Impact Your Attention Span?

Our surroundings significantly impact our ability to focus. Various elements in your study space, like lighting, noise, room temperature, and decor, can either enhance or hamper your productivity. 

Adequate lighting is important, as dim light can cause eye strain and fatigue. Noise also plays a dual role; while excessive noise can be distracting, a bit of ambient noise can actually improve focus, as we touched on earlier. Similarly, an optimal room temperature can keep you comfortable and attentive, while extremes can detract from your focus. 

A clean, organized, and dedicated study area, preferably away from your bed, can help signal your brain that it’s time to work. Aim for a well-lit, quiet, comfortable space with minimal distractions to create an optimal study environment. 

Experiment with different setups to find what works best for you. Customizing your environment to suit your study needs can be a game changer in enhancing your attention span and productivity.

How Can You Beat Procrastination?

Procrastination can be a formidable adversary, but with the right hacks, it’s manageable.

Set Effective Study Goals

One effective strategy is the SMART goals framework, which stands for “specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.” This approach makes the task less intimidating by breaking it down into manageable parts. 

A well-defined SMART goal could be: "I will study Chapter 5 of my biology textbook for 30 minutes tonight at 7 p.m." This goal is specific (Chapter 5), measurable (30 minutes), achievable (it's a reasonable amount of time), relevant (related to the study), and time-bound (tonight at 7 p.m.). Having such clarity can help you feel less overwhelmed and boost productivity.

Understand Your Learning Style

Different people have different learning styles — some learn best visually, others are auditory learners, and some prefer hands-on or kinesthetic learning. Understanding your unique learning style can improve your study efficiency and help you maintain focus. 

To identify your learning style, pay attention to what methods help you understand and remember information best. Is it diagrams, listening to lectures, or physically doing something? This personal insight can guide your study methods and lead to more effective learning.

Maintain a Balanced Lifestyle

A balanced lifestyle is crucial for maintaining focus and productivity. Adequate sleep rejuvenates the mind, a healthy diet fuels the body, and stress management techniques like yoga or meditation help maintain mental equilibrium. 

Remember, your wellness directly impacts your concentration and productivity, so don't neglect these crucial aspects.

Try L’Evate You’s Alert and Focus Gummy

To complement your healthy study habits, consider incorporating our Alert and Focus Gummy into your routine. L'Evate You is not just a product but a comprehensive solution aimed at supporting cellular health and energy from the inside out.

Our Alert and Focus Gummy is powered by our exclusive M-Charge Complex, a proprietary cellular energizer found in all L'Evate You products. It's not about instant energy jolts or weight loss claims but a gradual and sustained improvement over time. There’s no caffeine here — just a path toward sustainable energy for every cell in your body. 

The Bottom Line

Balancing your study time effectively with social media and other distractions can seem challenging, but with the right techniques and mindset, it's entirely possible. Remember, the goal is not to eliminate breaks or fun from your routine but to find a balance that suits your learning style and needs.

Incorporate these tips into your study routine, and consider giving L'Evate You a try. Who knows — it might just be the missing piece in your quest for focused and effective study sessions. 


Neuroplasticity | NCBI Bookshelf

How to Create a Study Plan | Excelsior University

The Pomodoro Technique Explained | Forbes

The Effect of Background Noise on a “Studying for an Exam” Task in an Open-Plan Study Environment: A Laboratory Study | Frontiers

The Impact of Different Environmental Conditions on Cognitive Function: A Focused Review | PMC

SMART Goals: A How to Guide | University of California

5 Reasons Why Goal Setting Will Improve Your Focus | Forbes

8 Types of Learning Styles | The Definitive Guide | Bay Atlantic University

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