Lean Bison Burger Recipe on Delicious Lettuce Wrap Buns

Lean Bison Burger Recipe on Delicious Lettuce Wrap Buns

posted 2023 May by

Prep time: 4 min

Total Time: 20 mins

Yield: 1 serving


Who says burgers can't be healthy? This lean bison burger recipe will have your taste buds doing a happy dance. 

Bison is leaner than beef and loaded with protein, making it an excellent choice for anyone looking to cut down on their fat intake while still enjoying a juicy burger. These patties are seasoned with Worcestershire sauce, dijon mustard, and a few common spices for a simple yet flavorful taste.

And you can say goodbye to the carb-heavy, grease-laden burger buns you’ve always known. Using lettuce as a bun adds a light and refreshing quality to this summer staple.

Feel free to mix it up and try different spice blends coupled with different toppings. This is one burger recipe you won’t have to regret!


  • 5 oz lean bison, minced 
  • 1/4 cup sweet or red onion, diced 
  • 1 tsp Worcestershire sauce 
  • 1 tsp dijon mustard + additional for topping (optional)
  • 1/4 tsp salt 
  • 1/8 tsp cracker pepper 
  • 1 tsp Italian herbs 
  • Pickles (optional)
  • Boston or romaine lettuce leaves 


  1. Mix all ingredients in a bowl and shape into a burger patty. 
  2. Pan fry with 1 tsp avocado oil on high heat until cooked through (4 minutes each side).
  3. Serve on lettuce leaves and top with mustard and pickles. 
  4. Add a baked sweet potato on the side.
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