Tart Cherry Mojito Mocktail

Tart Cherry Mojito Mocktail

posted 2024 May by
Looking to drink something refreshing and sweet without any sugar or alcohol? With just a handful of ingredients and a few simple steps, you can whip up a delicious Tart Cherry Mojito Mocktail that not only refreshes your palate but also gives your brain a boost when you need it most. Whether you're studying for exams, tackling a busy workday, or simply seeking a moment of refreshing energy out with friends, this mocktail with our Tart Cherry Alert & Focus Powder is the perfect companion. So go ahead, treat yourself (and a friend) to a glass of this revitalizing mocktail and support your memory with every sip!

Prep time: ~5 min
Yield: 1 servings


1 packet of Alert & Focus Powder- Tart Cherry
1/2 Lime, juiced or squeezed
2 sprigs of mint
1/2 cup chopped ice
1 cup of club soda or lime flavored sparkling water 
Optional Garnishes: Lime Slices & Mint Leaves


  1. Muddle the mint sprigs in the bottom of your glass.
  2. Mix 1 packet of Alert and Focus powder with the lime juice & top with sparkling water. 
  3. Add in the 1/2 cup of ice, give it a good stir, and top with your garnishes!
  4. Sip, revitalize, and enjoy!☀️
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