Steve Harvey's Workout On The Go With Kory Johnson

Steve Harvey's Workout On The Go With Kory Johnson

posted 2023 Feb by

If you think you don't have time for a daily workout — think again! We'd like to introduce you to Kory, a former athlete and a crucial member of Steve Harvey's personal wellness team. His routine is designed for anyone who wants to feel better and maybe even lose weight. It's what he calls a guided workout, which means there’s a set amount of time to complete all of the exercises in each round. You'll do all three motions for a total of 10 rounds, with 30 seconds of rest in between each move. That's a total of only 20 minutes!

So, even if you're short on time, you can follow along with Kory and see how he can take your body from zero to hero.

Check out his guided video below. This quick workout is the same one he formulated for Steve Harvey's busy travel schedule!


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