Can Allergies Make You Tired? What You Need To Know

Can Allergies Make You Tired? What You Need To Know

posted 2023 May by

Nothing says springtime like the warm sun on your skin, the possibility of new adventures, and thick, powdery pollen. 

If you have seasonal allergies, the onset of spring can make you want to become reclusive. 

Allergies can make you feel congested, cause itchy, watery eyes, and make you feel miserable. If you’re also feeling fatigued, you might wonder if there’s a connection between your pollinating plants and feeling played out. 

The team at L’Evate You focuses on total wellness, including what makes us feel tired or like we’re not as energetic as we used to be. Together, we’ll talk about the effect of allergies on your energy levels and what you can do to feel more motivated and energized, no matter what is in bloom. 

Is It Possible for Allergies To Make You Tired?

Oh yes, your allergies could be making you tired. According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, that’s just one of the many allergy symptoms that allergy sufferers may experience. 

In addition to coughing, sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, and the possibility of splotchy hives, sleepiness is a common side effect that you might encounter with seasonal allergies and year-round allergens as well. 

What’s the Difference Between Seasonal and Perennial Allergies?

If you only experience allergy symptoms when pollen counts are high, you probably have seasonal allergies or allergies that are only triggered when certain plants are in bloom. This is why springtime is known for being a season filled with allergy triggers.

Some allergies, however, are present year-round. Pet dander, dust mites, and cigarette smoke can impact allergy sufferers year-round. 

Why Can Allergies Make You Tired?

When an allergen is present, your body goes into full attack mode to eliminate what it perceives as a dangerous invader. That involves a few processes that can cause drowsiness and leave us feeling drained. 

Overworking Your Immune System

Your immune system is designed to protect you from external threats like bacteria, viruses, and fungi. It also serves to help your wounds heal. With allergies, the immune system goes a little haywire. It recognizes something as a threat that, in reality, is not a threat. 

For instance, pollen and pet dander aren’t on a seek-and-destroy mission to kill the human race, but if you are allergic to these irritants, your body thinks they are. The body responds by flooding your system with antibodies, and that causes the symptoms you experience when you’re in contact with an allergen. 

Immune responses can be taxing on our bodies, leaving us feeling drained and lethargic. If your body is in continual fight mode, you can end up feeling the effects and experiencing periodic tiredness. 

Lack of Sleep

It’s hard to sleep when you’re dealing with allergy symptoms. Nasal congestion can cause you to snore, and draining sinus cavities can cause coughing and irritation in your throat that inhibits sleep. 

Decongestants help clear up these symptoms, but they come with the risk of sleeplessness. Popular over-the-counter medications used to open nasal passages can also be habit-forming, like some nasal sprays. 

If your allergy medicine keeps you up at night, try taking it in the morning so you can get a good night’s rest. If that still doesn’t help, consult your allergist and see if there are different allergy medications you can take.

First-Generation Antihistamines

An antihistamine is a medication used to help reduce or block the histamines produced in the body in response to an allergen. First-generation antihistamines, like Benadryl, work by blocking histamine receptors in the brain. These medications are able to cross the blood-brain barrier and cause sleepiness. 

Second-generation antihistamines, like Zyrtec, work by binding to histamine receptors and blocking the release of histamines. These medications are usually preferable because they don’t typically cause drowsiness. 

How Can You Support Your Energy During Allergy Season?

Whether you’ve had an allergy test and know your specific triggers or simply know that hay fever is coming when you flip your calendar to April, there are steps you can take to combat allergy-related fatigue and feel better (even though you’re sniffling, sneezing, and going through a box of tissues per day).

Stay Hydrated

Dehydration can cause tiredness, and nasal decongestants can cause you to become dehydrated. It’s important to make sure you’re drinking enough fluids to help combat the effects of your allergy medications, but also to help keep your nasal passages and throat well lubricated. 

Don’t go overboard; you don’t need to drink an entire gallon of water each day. Drinking enough to keep your urine clear is a good rule of thumb that helps you know you’re well-hydrated. Remember that water from coffee, tea, and food also counts toward your intake goals. 

Support Your Immune System

Taking care of your immune system will help it function properly and can help you reduce allergy fatigue. You can support your immune system in a few different ways.

  1. Cold showers. Taking a cold shower supports your body’s lymphatic system. This system helps your body rid itself of waste products, like toxins. 

  2. Take care of your gut health. Your gut is directly linked to your immune system, meaning caring for it can help benefit your immune health. Supporting your gut flora is possible by taking probiotics and prebiotics, which help strengthen the healthy balance of good bacteria in the gut. 

  3. Load up on antioxidants. Oxidative stress can lead to improper immune responses. Protect your body by eating foods rich in antioxidants. 

  4. Load up on healthful foods like leafy greens, spirulina, and turmeric. 

Supporting your immune system also helps you support your total wellness. When you’re focused on maintaining your vitality, you’ll also notice a natural increase in your available energy levels. 

Get Your Nutrients

Your body can’t thrive without the right ingredients. Unfortunately, the American diet doesn’t typically contain all the vitamins and minerals we need. Instead, it contains a lot of ingredients we don’t need, like refined sugar, simple carbohydrates, and trans fats. 

It can be hard to optimize your nutrition, especially when you’re busy or battling allergic reactions to everything floating around in your environment. Now, there’s an easy button. 

L’Evate You Vitality Daily Greens is packed with ingredients that help support your body by giving it the nutrients it needs to function properly and thrive. 

  • Green blend. Each scoop of L’Evate You Vitality Daily Greens contains 30 superfoods (like spirulina) and nine leafy greens (like kale and spinach).
  • M-Charge Complex. Our proprietary blend of energy-boosting compounds dives into your cells and helps support their mitochondria, the tiny structures responsible for creating cellular energy. 
  • Antioxidant and anti-aging blend. Keep your cells protected from oxidative stress and enjoy the benefits of faster recovery after exercise.
  • Digestive blend. To help support your gut health, our greens powder includes a prebiotic and probiotic blend of natural ingredients, along with insoluble fiber to support colon health. 
  • Mushroom blend. Compounds contained in our mushroom blend help support healthy cholesterol and sodium levels and also help with healthy mood and cognitive function. 

The best part? L’Evate You Vitality Daily Greens are available in three delicious flavors that make taking care of yourself feel like a treat and not a chore. 

Rest When You’re Tired

Sometimes, rest is best. If you’re really suffering from brain fog and allergy fatigue, take a few minutes to relax or take a power nap. Make sure you’re getting adequate sleep at night. The average person needs between seven and nine hours of sleep every night. 

Missing sleep can create a sleep debt, and the only way to pay it down is by sleeping. If you aren’t getting enough sleep, you’ll feel tired regardless of whether your allergies bother you. 

Limit Your Exposure to Allergens

If possible, don’t place yourself in the same zip code of known allergens. Seasonal allergens may be impossible to avoid, but if you want to go for a hike, consider waiting until after it rains, and the pollen isn’t blowing around as much. 

For perennial allergens, avoidance may be more of a possibility. For instance, if you’re allergic to cats, visiting the neighborhood cat lady is a service opportunity best left to someone else. If you know you’ll be around an allergen, make sure you take precautions, like taking your allergy medicine if necessary or even wearing a mask to reduce your exposure. 

Consult Your Doctor

If you seem to struggle with allergies frequently, or if over-the-counter remedies don’t help seasonal allergies, it’s time to see your doctor. An allergist can administer an allergy test to find out what you are allergic to and recommend medications, lifestyle changes, and other options to help you feel better. 

It’s important to listen to your doctor’s recommendations and let them know if you experience side effects from any medications they prescribe. 

The Bottom Line

Allergy season may be your least favorite season of the year, but you don’t have to feel fatigued on top of dealing with the rest of your allergy symptoms. To feel more energized, be conscientious of the medications you're taking, realizing that some of them may lead to feelings of drowsiness. 

Supporting your immune system year-round is a smart idea not only to help you combat allergy fatigue but also to help you maintain a better-functioning body. You can support your immune system by improving your diet. 

L’Evate You helps you cover the important bases of good health. By supporting your cells and gut health and providing your essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, you can support your immune system with one scoop a day. 

When your health is optimized, you’ll feel more energized. So go ahead, go for that outdoor hike, or plan a picnic in the park. But maybe stick to sending the cat lady a nice greeting card. 


Fatigue | ACAAI Public Website

Allergies - Symptoms and causes | Mayo Clinic

First-generation antihistamines - winter warning | Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)

How Can I Build My Immune System to Fight Allergies? | Houston Sinus Allergy

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