15 Best Foods That Increase Blood Flow and Circulation

15 Best Foods That Increase Blood Flow and Circulation

posted 2023 Oct by

You probably don’t think about your blood flow too often. It’s something that’s easy to take for granted since we rarely see it. However, a healthy blood flow is essential to healthy living.

In this guide, we’re going to discuss why blood flow is important, what might be contributing to poor blood flow, and a variety of options that can help. 

Why Is Healthy Blood Flow Important?

Maintaining a seamless blood flow is more than just trying to dodge aches or numbness. Proper blood flow plays several essential roles in your body, and it has far-reaching benefits.

Oxygen and Nutrient Delivery

Imagine each cell in your body as a blossoming plant. For the plant to bloom, it requires a consistent supply of water and nutrients. Similarly, our cells thrive when efficiently supplied with essential nutrients, ensuring they function at their best.

Waste Removal

Our bodies rely on efficient waste disposal. Think of our blood as a dedicated janitorial service. It works tirelessly, ensuring cells remain clean, functional, and free from the burdens of accumulated waste.

Organ Function

Organs are the administrative hubs of our bodies, governing everything from our thought processes to our heartbeats. Specifically, our hearts and brains require a consistent, uninhibited blood flow to function properly.

Healthy Skin

The allure of a post-exercise glow isn't just about the sweat and the flush. At its core, it's about blood circulation. With enhanced circulation, more oxygen and nutrients are ushered to the skin's surface, bestowing it with a radiant, healthy sheen.

Normal Healing

Whenever you have a minor cut or bruise, the body's immediate response is to heal. Proper blood flow can support wound healing by transporting necessary elements to the site, reducing the chances of infections or complications.

Body Temperature Regulation

Our body is like a well-calibrated thermostat. Whether we’re braving the chill of winter or the scorching heat of summer, it continually works to keep our internal temperatures stable. This regulation is heavily reliant on blood circulation. Proper blood flow ensures heat distribution, safeguarding us from the potential discomforts associated with temperature extremes.

What Factors Affect Blood Flow and Circulation?

Our circulatory system facilitates the transport of essential nutrients and oxygen to every corner of our body. However, there are several factors that can affect the efficiency of our circulatory systems.

These include:

  • Age: Age increases the risk of atherosclerosis, a condition characterized by plaque buildup in the arteries, which can lead to various cardiovascular diseases. 
  • Diet: Diets rich in saturated fats and high sugars can elevate blood sugar levels and lead to obesity, which increases the risk of high blood pressure and coronary artery complications.
  • Exercise: Regular physical activity strengthens the heart, enabling it to pump blood more efficiently. 
  • Smoking: Tobacco consumption is notoriously harmful to the circulatory system. It accelerates plaque buildup, harms platelets (making the blood more prone to clot), and constricts blood vessels.
  • Alcohol: While moderate alcohol can have certain cardiovascular benefits, excessive consumption can elevate blood pressure, leading to circulatory system strain.
  • Body weight: Obesity exerts additional pressure on the heart, requiring it to work harder to circulate blood, thereby increasing the risk of heart disease.
  • Stress: Chronic stress, if not managed, can contribute to hypertension and high blood pressure, making the heart work overtime and potentially leading to circulatory complications.
  • Posture: Hours spent slouched in front of screens can compress blood vessels and impede circulation. Proper posture ensures efficient blood flow, especially to extremities.
  • Hydration: Dehydration thickens the blood, making circulation more challenging and potentially leading to muscle cramps.
  • Temperature: Extreme cold can constrict blood vessels, decreasing circulation. 
  • Medications: Some medicines, even those prescribed for conditions unrelated to the circulatory system, can inadvertently affect blood flow. 

The 15 Best Foods That Increase Blood Flow and Circulation

In the vast world of culinary delights, some foods are serious game changers when it comes to heart health. Incorporating a few more of these healthy foods into your diet can have a positive effect on your blood circulation and vascular system.

1. Grapefruit

Bright and zesty, grapefruit is more than just a burst of tangy freshness on your breakfast table. This popular citrus fruit is also a trove of antioxidants and vitamin C.

While antioxidants wage war against free radicals, vitamin C plays the dual role of bolstering the immune system and rejuvenating blood vessels. Moreover, with its potential to support healthy cholesterol levels, grapefruit ensures your circulatory system remains efficient.

2. Spinach

Spinach is extremely popular and might even be the first food you think of when you think of leafy greens. While its vibrant color and delicate texture are its main appeal, the health benefits of spinach are also profound. 

Rich in nitrates, spinach plays a pivotal role in increasing the production of nitric oxide, a molecule that relaxes blood vessels and encourages healthy blood flow. 

So, the next time you munch on a spinach salad, know that you're not just treating your taste buds but also supporting your circulation.

3. Mackerel

Seafood is an often overlooked treasure trove of essential nutrients. Mackerel, a fatty fish with shimmering scales, stands out among these options for its reservoir of omega-3 fatty acids. 

Omega-3s are well known for their heart-protective properties, particularly for lowering the risk of blood clots and helping to manage blood pressure levels. Incorporating a little more mackerel into your diet not only offers a delicious culinary experience but also supports your circulatory system. 

4. Beets

The deep crimson hue of beets should let you know straight away that they can support healthy blood. Whether you're savoring roasted beetroot with a dash of olive oil or getting their benefits in the form of beet juice, beets are a circulatory system's best friend.

The primary benefit is that beets are brimming with dietary nitrates, which, upon consumption, convert into nitric oxide. This facilitates vasodilation, or the widening of blood vessels, helping the blood reach even the most remote cells with essential nutrients.

5. Turmeric

Steeped in ancient traditions and honored in kitchens globally, turmeric is a spice that wears many hats. Its radiant yellow color is matched by its equally vibrant health benefits. Central to these is curcumin, a compound that is widely celebrated as a powerful antioxidant. When it comes to circulation, curcumin steps in by supporting the health of blood vessels, ensuring that blood flows smoothly.

6. Blueberries

When you pop a handful of blueberries into your mouth, you're not just indulging in a juicy treat but also fortifying your heart. 

Rich in anthocyanin — a powerful antioxidant — blueberries offer two main benefits: supporting heart health and defending cells from oxidative stress. This is also the same compound that gives them their rich blue color.

7. Pomegranates

Regarded as jewels of the fruit world, pomegranates are a delightful combination of taste and health. 

Pomegranate juice is viewed as a highly powerful beverage, bursting with polyphenols that can support the heart. Regular consumption can support circulation and fortify the cardiovascular system, making it especially helpful when it comes to heart health.

8. Walnuts

Walnuts come packed with alpha-lipoic acid and omega-3 fatty acids, both of which are instrumental in soothing tension and enhancing blood flow. When integrated into a balanced diet, walnuts can be significant players in maintaining cardiovascular health.

9. Garlic

Garlic is more than a kitchen staple — it's also a treasure trove of health benefits. Allicin, its star compound, is renowned for its ability to regulate blood pressure and cholesterol levels. 

10. Dark Chocolate

We all love a bit of chocolate, but who knew that it actually came with health benefits?

The primary benefit of this delightful treat is that it contains flavonoids, compounds that can help encourage the artery linings to produce nitric oxide. This, in turn, can support vasodilation, encouraging smooth and easy circulation.

11. Avocados

Green, creamy, and luscious, avocados are a versatile addition to any meal. But their benefits aren’t just skin deep. Avocados are also rich in potassium, an essential mineral that expertly moderates blood pressure levels

12. Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper is synonymous with fiery heat, but its benefits are cool and calculated. It contains capsaicin, a compound known to rev up metabolism and enhance blood circulation. A dash can not only elevate the flavor profile of a dish but also encourage circulatory wellness.

13. Ginger

Ginger, with its distinct aroma and spicy undertone, has been a revered spice across civilizations. 

Beyond its culinary appeal, it can also encourage blood flow, ensuring every organ and cell receives essential nutrients. Its therapeutic properties make it a must-have in any wellness-focused diet.

14. Watermelon

Watermelons are more than just a summer delight. They're fortified with lycopene, an antioxidant that enhances heart health and boosts circulation

Indulging in this fruit is not only a treat to the palate but can also support a healthy circulatory system.

15. Sunflower Seeds

Don't be deceived by their diminutive size — sunflower seeds are nutritional powerhouses. Rich in magnesium and vitamin E, they ensure the circulatory system operates without a hitch. Whether sprinkled on a salad or consumed as a snack, they are a crunchy testament to heart health.

How Can M-Charge Support Healthy Blood Flow?

Nutrition is key, but sometimes, our bodies need a little extra push to truly shine. Enter our M-Charge Complex — a proprietary blend that acts as the torchbearer of cellular energy.

Embedded at the heart of all of our products here at L’Evate You, this unique formula aims to support energy production at a cellular level. When our cells have the nutrients they need, the ripple effect is felt throughout the body and can help support smooth blood flow.

How Can L'Evate You Compliment a Healthy Diet?

A vibrant plate full of nutrient-rich foods is undoubtedly the cornerstone of wellness. However, many of us are simply too busy to make sure we’re hitting all the colors of the rainbow on our plates. That's where L’Evate You steps in.

By zeroing in on cellular health and energy, L’Evate You can help support your energy and wellness down to its foundations. Plus, our Vitality Daily Greens are full of superfoods, antioxidants, fruits, and adaptogens to help give your body a burst of nutrition.

The Bottom Line

Our health is like a jigsaw puzzle—each piece, from the foods we consume to our lifestyle choices, plays a critical role. Luckily, supporting your circulatory health is as simple as enjoying a few of these delicious foods.

To learn more about how supporting your cellular energy can encourage holistic well-being, visit our blog today.


What Does Blood Do? | NCBI Bookshelf

Poor Circulation: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment | Cleveland Clinic

Free Radicals, Antioxidants and Functional Foods: Impact on Human Health | PMC

Vitamin C and Immune Function | PMC

Dietary Supplements for Improving Nitric-Oxide Synthesis | PMC

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: A Natural Way to Lower Blood Pressure | Cleveland Heart Lab

Give Me a Beet: Why This Root Vegetable Should Be on Your Plate | American Heart Association

Turmeric Benefits | Johns Hopkins Medicine

What Are Anthocyanins? 5 Health Benefits | Cleveland Clinic

What are Polyphenols? Another Great Reason to Eat Fruits and Veggies | Kendall Reagan Nutrition Center | Colorado State University

Alpha-Lipoic Acid | NCBI Bookshelf

Garlic: A Review of Potential Therapeutic Effects | PMC

Flavonoids: an Overview | PMC

How Potassium Can Help Control High Blood Pressure | American Heart Association

Capsaicin May Have Important Potential for Promoting Vascular and Metabolic Health | PMC

Ginger Brings Zing to a Meal – but Does it do More? | American Heart Association

Lycopene and Vascular Health | PMC

Consumption of Plant Seeds and Cardiovascular Health: Epidemiologic and Clinical Trial Evidence | PMC

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