Fulvic Acid Benefits and Uses

Fulvic Acid Benefits and Uses

posted 2023 Oct by

As we’ve learned more and more about wellness over the years, we’ve uncovered a few of nature's hidden gems. One such treasure that is often overlooked is fulvic acid. This modest component, found in the earth's sediment layers, is packed with a multitude of benefits for agriculture, beauty, and health. 

Join us to learn about the various benefits and uses of fulvic acid and how it can support our overall health and wellness.

What Is Fulvic Acid?

Fulvic acid is a bioactive compound found in humus, the organic matter that forms in soil due to the decomposition of plants and animals. It’s a part of the humic substances group, which also includes humic acid. 

However, the unique chemical structure of fulvic acid sets it apart from other humic substances. It’s made of various organic acids, including carboxylic and phenolic groups, which allow it to chelate (or bind) to minerals and other nutrients. This rich, complex structure enables fulvic acid to interact with a variety of nutrients, enhancing their bioavailability.

In simpler terms, fulvic acid can support the body's ability to absorb and utilize essential nutrients. The health benefits of fulvic acid range from sustained energy levels to a strong immune system, which is likely why fulvic acid is a staple in traditional Ayurvedic medicine.  

How Is Fulvic Acid Extracted and Sourced?

Fulvic acid is commonly extracted from sources like Shilajit, a tar-like substance found in the Himalayas, and other humic deposits. The extraction process is both delicate and precise, requiring careful methods to maintain the integrity of the compounds.

The extraction process begins with the collection of humic deposits. Afterward, there are a few steps that involve the use of solvents and pH adjustments to isolate the fulvic acid from the humic substances.

The process is meticulously controlled to ensure the preservation of the fulvic acid's helpful properties. Purity is one of the main things that producers look for, as contaminants like heavy metals can pose health risks. 

Because of this, manufacturers must adhere to stringent quality standards and regular testing protocols to ensure that their fulvic acid is safe, effective, and free from harmful contaminants.

What Are the Agricultural Benefits of Fulvic Acid?

When it comes to nurturing the world around us, one of the most powerful resources we have in our corner is fulvic acid. This natural wonder is a game-changer for agriculture and helps contribute to a healthier, greener planet. 

Here are just a few of the agricultural benefits of fulvic acid.

Enhanced Soil Health

Soil is more than just dirt — it's a bustling world teeming with microorganisms, nutrients, and minerals. Fulvic acid plays a key role in this ecosystem, interacting with these elements and contributing to a robust soil structure. It does this by binding with minerals in the soil, increasing the soil's nutrient content.

Additionally, fulvic acid improves the soil's ability to retain water. This is important because water retention in soil not only provides necessary hydration for plant growth but also prevents soil erosion and nutrient runoff. By increasing the soil's nutrient content and water retention, fulvic acid encourages a fertile environment where plants can thrive.

Nutrient Uptake in Plants

Fulvic acid's benefits extend beyond enhancing soil health. Just as fulvic acid can support nutrient absorption in humans, it does the same for plants. Its unique molecular structure allows it to bind with minerals and other nutrients, transforming them into forms that are easily absorbed by plant roots.

This process not only feeds plants but also helps them absorb the trace elements that are essential for their growth and development. For example, in a study conducted on soybean crops, plants treated with fulvic acid showed increased nutrient uptake, particularly of phosphorus and iron.

Improved Plant Growth and Yield

The direct result of enhanced nutrient absorption is improved plant growth and yield. Plants treated with fulvic acid tend to be healthier, more resilient, and more productive. They grow faster and bear more fruit, which leads to a bountiful harvest.

Farmers who have incorporated fulvic acid into their farming practices have reported significant improvements in crop yields. For instance, one tomato farm in California found that using fulvic acid resulted in a 20 percent increase in crop yield.

Reduces the Need for Synthetic Fertilizer

In today's eco-conscious world, finding natural, sustainable solutions for agriculture is key.

Because of its nutrient-enhancing abilities, fulvic acid can reduce dependence on chemical fertilizers. This is important because excessive use of synthetic fertilizers can lead to soil degradation and water pollution.

Aids Plants in Managing Stress and Drought 

Just like us, plants can experience stress from environmental factors such as harsh weather conditions or lack of water. Fulvic acid helps plants weather these challenges by enhancing their resilience and helping them retain moisture, contributing to their survival and growth even under challenging conditions.

Fulvic acid achieves this by improving the plant's cell membrane permeability, allowing for better water retention within the plant cells. This not only aids in drought resistance but also enhances the plant's ability to absorb nutrients.

Why Is Fulvic Acid Used in Beauty Products?

In the quest for radiant, youthful skin, many people turn to beauty products in hopes that they can turn back the clock. But what if the secret to beautiful skin lies not in a complex chemical formula but in the humble soil beneath our feet? 

In addition to its various benefits for agriculture, fulvic acid has been steadily gaining popularity in the beauty industry. Let's explore some of the reasons why fulvic acid might just be the hot new beauty ingredient.

Skin Hydration

Fulvic acid is renowned for its hydrating properties. It has a unique molecular structure that enables it to retain moisture, effectively delivering hydration to skin cells. This helps to maintain the skin’s natural moisture balance, reducing dryness and leaving the skin feeling soft and supple. 

Some moisturizers and hydrating serums specifically use fulvic acid for this purpose, offering skin hydration that goes beyond the surface level.

Skin Protection

Fulvic acid is a natural antioxidant, which means it can help protect the skin from harmful elements such as pollutants, UV rays, and free radicals. These factors can cause cellular damage and speed up the aging process. 

Skin Elasticity

Fulvic acid is also known to support the body’s production of collagen, a protein that helps maintain skin elasticity. As we age, collagen production decreases, leading to fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin. By supporting collagen production, fulvic acid can help minimize these signs of aging and maintain the skin's youthful firmness. 

What Are the Health Benefits of Consuming Fulvic Acid?

While it may seem unusual to think that soil can be used in healthcare, it’s impossible to deny the health benefits of fulvic acid. Fulvic acid has a long history in Ayurvedic medicine, and modern science is now beginning to confirm its many health benefits.  

Here are just a few of the ways that fulvic acid can support our health.

Encourages Nutrient Absorption

Our bodies need a variety of nutrients to function optimally — from essential vitamins and trace minerals to amino acids and electrolytes. However, efficiently absorbing these nutrients from food can be a challenge for some people, especially for those with poor gut health. That’s where fulvic acid comes in. 

As we said earlier, fulvic acid binds to nutrients, transforming them into a form that our body can easily absorb and utilize. This nutrient absorption can support the gut microbiome and overall health.

Promotes Detoxification

In our modern world, we're exposed to a variety of toxins, from pollutants in the air to a build-up of heavy metals in our food and water. Fulvic acid can help detoxify the body by binding to these toxins (a process known as chelation) and helping to remove them from our system.

Supports the Immune System

A strong immune system is our body's first line of defense against pathogens and diseases. By supporting nutrient absorption and encouraging detoxification, fulvic acid contributes to strong, effective immune function that can keep us healthy.

Bolsters Cognitive Health

Our brain, like any other organ, needs a constant supply of nutrients to function optimally. Adequate nutrient absorption ensures that our brain gets the nutrients it needs. 

Additionally, the antioxidant properties of fulvic acid protect our brain cells from damage, potentially encouraging brain health and brain function.

How Can You Take Fulvic Acid?

Given its nature, harnessing the health benefits of fulvic acid might seem complicated, but it's simpler than you might think. There are several ways to incorporate this powerhouse into your routine, from fulvic acid supplements to dietary sources. 


One of the easiest ways to ensure you're getting the right amounts of fulvic acid is through supplementation. Here at L’Evate You, we offer two gummies — Digestive Health and Alert & Focus — that both feature fulvic acid as a key ingredient.

Our gummies offer a convenient and tasty way to incorporate fulvic acid into your daily routine, helping you experience its full range of benefits. Not only that, but you’ll be enjoying all the benefits that come from our unique M-Charge Complex, as well.

Dietary Sources of Fulvic Acid

Fulvic acid can also be found in certain foods. For instance, organic vegetables, especially root vegetables like carrots, radishes, beets, and turnips, can absorb fulvic acids from the soil Additionally, blackstrap molasses, a byproduct of sugar refining, is rich in various minerals and fulvic acid, making it another excellent dietary source.

Are There Any Side Effects of Fulvic Acid?

As with any supplement, it's important to be aware of potential side effects. While consuming fulvic acid is generally considered safe, there can be instances of individual sensitivities or interactions with other medications or supplements.

Pregnant or breastfeeding women should always consult with their healthcare provider before starting any new supplement, including fulvic acid.

Using high concentrations of fulvic acid can potentially lead to side effects. These can range from minor gastrointestinal discomfort to more severe symptoms, such as a rash or itchiness, which could indicate an allergic reaction. If you experience any unusual symptoms after starting fulvic acid supplementation, it's best to stop use and consult with a healthcare provider.

Fulvic acid could also interact with certain medications or supplements. It's always recommended to discuss a new supplement with a healthcare provider before incorporating it into your everyday routine, especially if you are currently taking any medication.

The quality of your fulvic acid is key, as it can contain harmful substances if it’s sourced from contaminated areas. Always opt for fulvic acid supplements from reputable sources to ensure purity and prevent toxicity. 

The Takeaway

Fulvic acid, a natural substance found in the earth's sediment layers, is a hidden gem that can help support overall health and wellness. It's not just beneficial for human health — it also plays a crucial role in agriculture and skincare, as well.

The challenging thing about fulvic acid is that it can be hard to find it in natural sources. There are a few foods that might feature this beneficial compound, but there’s no guarantee that you can find them at your local supermarket.

Fortunately, we’ve made it a key ingredient in our gummies. Whether you’re looking for digestive support or a boost in focus, our supplements are designed to support your health from the inside out.


What Is Fulvic Acid? | Cleveland Clinic

Extraction of Fulvic Acid from Lignite and Characterization of Its Functional Groups | PMC

The Effect of Fulvic Acids Derived from Different Materials on Changing Properties of Albic Black Soil in the Northeast Plain of China | PMC

Fulvic Acid Increases Forage Legume Growth Inducing Preferential Up-Regulation of Nodulation and Signalling-Related Genes | PMC

Improvement of Tomato Fruit Quality and Soil Nutrients through Foliar Spraying Fulvic Acid under Stress of Copper and Cadmium | MDPI

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