How Is Plant-Based Meat Made? Everything To Know

How Is Plant-Based Meat Made? Everything To Know

posted 2023 Aug by

Today’s world is marked by rapid advancements in technology and an improved awareness of environmental health. The combination of these two factors has led to a ton of proposed changes in our daily lives. One such change that has been gaining momentum over the years is the concept of plant-based meat. 

The idea is simple: use plants as a substitute for livestock and other commonly consumed meat products. While plant-based foods are more popular now than ever before, there are still plenty of people who are skeptical about them. 

Here at L’Evate you, we’re all about educating people on current health and wellness topics. Read on to learn more about plant-based meats so you can decide if it’s the right choice for you. 

What Is Plant-Based Meat?

Not too long ago, the idea of crafting meat from plants would have seemed ridiculous. But today, plant-based meat — sometimes hailed as the “meat of the future” — stands as a testament to human ingenuity. 

These modern-age products are designed to imitate the familiar savor, consistency, and even the aesthetic of traditional meat, all while being derived entirely from plants. The sensation of biting into a burger that offers the rich taste of meat — yet is fully vegetarian — sums up the essence of this culinary breakthrough.

History of Plant-Based Meat

While the current surge in plant-based diets might seem like a modern phenomenon, the roots trace back centuries. Ancient civilizations, particularly in Asia, have long relied on plant-based protein sources like tofu and seitan as meat substitutes. The motivations behind these choices ranged from religious beliefs to resource availability. 

Fast forward to today, the surge in plant-based meat consumption is encouraged by many motivations. Environmental concerns, health implications of red meat consumption, ethical considerations around animal welfare, and even the global pandemic have all contributed to the rising tide of demand.

Does Plant-Based Meat Contain the Same Nutrients?

In the nutritional arena, plant-based meats are formidable competitors to their animal-based counterparts. Their protein content, especially in variants crafted from robust sources like soy or pea protein, can rival, if not surpass, traditional meats like beef or chicken. 

And it doesn't stop there. The fat profile of many plant-based meats is designed with health in mind, leveraging oils that promote cardiovascular health. 

Yet, as with all foods, it's important to take a closer look. Some plant-based meats might have elevated sodium levels. This is why it’s important to always read the labels of the products you purchase.

What Is Plant-Based Meat Made Of?

Plant-based meat is an awe-inspiring culmination of innovation and understanding of nature's bounty. To fully appreciate this marvel, we need to dive deep into its core components and understand the role each ingredient plays.

Protein Sources

The foundation of plant-based meats is built on protein. These proteins primarily include soy, pea protein, and wheat gluten.

  • Soy: Sourced from soybeans, it’s a complete protein containing all nine essential amino acids. Not only is soy a powerhouse of protein, but it also offers a texture remarkably similar to that of meat when processed correctly. 
  • Pea protein: Extracted from yellow peas, this protein has gained popularity due to its neutral flavor and rich protein content. It can provide plant-based meats with a tender yet firm bite.
  • Wheat gluten: Also known as seitan when cooked, wheat gluten is the primary protein in wheat. It’s cherished for its chewy texture and ability to absorb flavors, making it a preferred choice for many plant-based meat products.

It’s essential to note that while these proteins offer a world of benefits, they might not be suitable for everyone. Soy and wheat are common allergens, and those with sensitivities or allergies should approach plant-based meats with caution. Always check the label for allergen information.

Texturizing Agents

Achieving the perfect texture that mimics meat's chewiness and bite requires more than just proteins. Enter texturizing agents like cellulose and methylcellulose. These compounds lend the meaty consistency that many look for in their burgers or sausages.

Flavorings and Seasonings

The texture alone won't convince meat lovers. The flavor profile also has to be spot on. 

This challenge is met with a blend of herbs, spices, and natural flavors, each chosen carefully to impart that quintessential “meaty” taste. From the smokiness of paprika to the richness of garlic, these additions ensure that plant-based meats are tantalizing to the palate.


First impressions matter. Before we taste or feel our food, we see it. The visual appeal of food plays a significant role in our dining experience. Ingredients such as beet juice and vegetable extracts give plant-based meats their characteristic color, ensuring they look as delectable as their animal-based counterparts.

How Is Plant-Based Meat Made?

Crafting plant-based meat is a process refined over years of research and innovation. It all starts with selecting high-quality raw ingredients. 

Once sourced, these ingredients undergo rigorous preparation and mixing. The proteins are combined with the flavorings, seasonings, texturizing agents, and colorants in precise proportions.

Next comes the pivotal phase of extrusion or texturization. Here, the mixture is subjected to specific conditions of temperature and pressure to induce a meat-like texture. Think of it like sculpting: artists start with a lump of clay and carefully mold it into a masterpiece. Similarly, the mixture is then shaped into patties, sausages, or nuggets.

The final act is cooking, where flavors meld and develop, ensuring that every bite is a delightful experience. The end product is not just food; it's the culmination of science, nature, and artistry.

What Are the Benefits of Plant-Based Meat?

The rise of plant-based meat is not only a culinary marvel but also an answer to some of the most pressing issues facing our planet. By opting for plant-based alternatives, individuals don't just broaden their palate, but they also contribute to a more sustainable and compassionate world.

Environmental Impact

The environmental footprint of livestock farming is substantial. One stark example of this is water consumption.

Producing 1kg of beef, for instance, requires between 5,000 to 20,000 liters of water when accounting for the entirety of the production process. In contrast, the water required to produce equivalent plant-based meats is significantly less, often reducing water consumption by upwards of 80 percent.

Moreover, with livestock farming being a leading cause of deforestation, particularly in regions like the Amazon, the shift to plant-based alternatives presents a clear path to preserving our planet's lungs. Livestock farming demands vast stretches of land, not just for the animals but for growing their feed. As more people embrace plant-based meats, the demand for grazing lands decreases, which may slow down deforestation.

The Health Benefits of Plant-Based Meat

The shift to plant-based meats goes beyond environmental stewardship; it's also a nod to personal well-being. Compared to their animal-derived counterparts, plant-based meats typically have a lower saturated fat content and no cholesterol and, depending on the specific product, might be fortified with additional nutrients. This nutrient profile translates to tangible health benefits. 

By reducing or eliminating red meat from one's diet, there's potential to decrease the risk of several health issues. In essence, with every bite of plant-based meat, individuals are making a choice that benefits both the planet and their personal health.

How To Incorporate Plant-Based Meat Into Your Diet

Exploring the world of plant-based meat opens up a realm of culinary possibilities. Traditional dishes from across the globe, from Italian lasagnas to Asian stir-fries, are being reinvented with plant-based meats. 

For instance, numerous Thai curries, traditionally made with chicken or beef, are now available in delectable plant-based versions. Mexican cuisine, known for its rich and spicy meats, has also seen a surge in dishes like vegan tacos or burritos, brimming with plant-based fillings that are both flavorful and satisfying.

What Is the Future of Plant-Based Meat Technology?

The trajectory of plant-based meat technology promises advancements that were once the stuff of science fiction. The community is continuously refining the taste, texture, and nutritional profiles of these products. 

Lab-grown meats, which are cultured from animal cells without harming the animals, are set to further revolutionize this space, offering an even more sustainable alternative without compromising the essence of meat.

The Bottom Line

Plant-based meat is more than just a passing fad. It symbolizes a future where innovation intersects with ethics and sustainability. 

As you take this bold step towards embracing plant-based options, consider complementing your meals with L’Evate You. Our products align with vegan lifestyles while still packing in massive amounts of energy-supporting nutrients.


15 ‘Green’ Tech Innovations And Practices That Can Help Protect The Environment | Forbes

Plant-Based Alternative Products: Are They Healthy Alternatives? Micro- and Macronutrients and Nutritional Scoring | PMC

Plant-Based Meats, Human Health, and Climate Change | Frontiers

The Rise of Meat Substitute Consumption and its Impact on the U.S. Soybean Industry | Purdue

Protein and Amino Acids | NCBI Bookshelf

How Plant-Based Meat and Seafood Are Processed | IFT

Cows and Climate Change | UC Davis

Causes of Deforestation | NASA

Meatless Meals: The Benefits of Eating Less Meat | Mayo Clinic

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