How To Check Your Sodium Levels at Home & How Greens Can Help

How To Check Your Sodium Levels at Home & How Greens Can Help

posted 2024 Feb by

Our bodies are intricate, well-oiled machines where every element has a role to play. One of the more crucial players is sodium, an essential mineral that’s vital for several crucial body functions and plays a significant role in our overall health. 

Following a diet that’s very low in sodium can lead to low sodium levels or hyponatremia, which can be extremely dangerous. Fortunately, sodium is a constant presence in the lives of most Americans, from the table salt (sodium chloride) that we sprinkle on our meals to the natural sodium content in various foods. 

But like anything else, too much of a good thing can tip the scales in the wrong direction and become a bad thing. High sodium levels, or hypernatremia, can also lead to a variety of serious health issues, which can be potentially fatal. 

Today, we’re going to discuss how you can do that from the comfort of your own home and ensure that the amount of sodium in your diet is exactly what your body needs: no more and no less.

We’ll also talk about how our Daily Greens can help you balance your levels of sodium while also providing you with essential nutrients and contributing to your overall cellular health. Let’s get started right away! 

What Role Does Sodium Play in Your Body? 

Sodium may be a simple mineral, but it plays a crucial role in a variety of complicated bodily functions, including: 

  • Maintains fluid balance: Sodium plays a crucial role in maintaining the body's fluid balance by regulating the amount of water that's in and around your cells. This balance is vital for proper cell function and overall health.
  • Supports healthy blood pressure: Sodium helps to control our blood volume, which in turn influences our blood pressure. A balanced sodium intake can aid in maintaining a healthy blood pressure range, promoting overall cardiovascular health.
  • Regulates electrolyte balance: Sodium is key to our body's electrolyte balance, ensuring that our body's electrical system functions smoothly. It works alongside other electrolytes like potassium, calcium, phosphate, chloride, and bicarbonates to maintain this balance.
  • Supports muscle contraction: Sodium aids in muscle contraction, allowing your muscles to function properly. This includes not just your skeletal muscles but also your heart, which relies on sodium for proper contraction.
  • Regulates blood volume: By helping to control the amount of fluid in your body, sodium plays a key role in regulating your blood volume. Having optimal blood levels is crucial for maintaining healthy blood pressure and overall cardiovascular health.
  • Supports brain function: Sodium plays a crucial role in brain function, particularly in nerve transmission. This ensures that our brain operates optimally, maintaining cognitive functions and overall brain health.

What Are the Consequences of Imbalanced Sodium Levels? 

As you can see, getting enough sodium daily to ensure your body operates properly (roughly 500 milligrams each day) is essential. However, it’s important to remember that balance is key. 

Too much or too little sodium can lead to a variety of health issues, including: 

  • Dehydration: Low sodium levels can lead to dehydration, as sodium helps regulate the amount of water in and around your cells. Dehydration can cause fatigue and dizziness.

  • Swelling: High sodium levels can cause a buildup of fluid in your body and lead to swelling, also known as edema. This can occur in your hands, legs, and feet, causing discomfort and mobility issues.

  • High Blood Pressure: An excess of sodium can lead to high blood pressure, a condition that can strain your heart and lead to cardiovascular diseases.

  • Cognitive Impairment: Both high and low sodium levels can impact brain function, leading to cognitive impairment. This can manifest as confusion, forgetfulness, and difficulty concentrating.

  • Bone Loss: Some research suggests that high sodium intake can increase calcium excretion, which could potentially lead to bone loss over time.

  • Electrolyte Imbalance: Sodium is a key electrolyte, and imbalanced sodium levels can disrupt the balance of other electrolytes, leading to various health issues, from muscle spasms to irregular heartbeat.

  • Gastrointestinal Issues: Imbalanced sodium levels can lead to gastrointestinal issues such as nausea, vomiting, and stomach cramps.

  • Neurological Disorders: In severe cases, imbalanced sodium levels can lead to neurological disorders.

How Can You Monitor Your Sodium Levels at Home? 

Finding the sweet spot between too much and too little sodium is important for our overall health. Thankfully, you don't need to make frequent visits to your healthcare provider's office to conduct lab tests and then return later to go over the test results. 

There are simple, at-home methods you can use to monitor your sodium levels and maintain your health, including:

Urine Electrolyte Test Strips

These strips are a simple and non-invasive way to check your urine sodium levels. By analyzing your urine sample, they can give you a quick overview of your overall electrolyte panel, including sodium.

Digital Electrolyte Analyzers

These handheld devices analyze a small blood sample to give an immediate reading of your electrolyte levels. While sodium blood tests are more expensive than test strips, they offer a more detailed analysis than a urine sodium test.

Sweat Test Strips

Sodium is excreted through sweat, and these strips can analyze your sweat's sodium concentration. Since this test measures sweat, they’re particularly useful if you're an athlete or exercise regularly.

Blood Pressure Monitoring

High sodium levels can lead to high blood pressure. Regularly monitoring your blood pressure at home can give you an idea of whether your sodium levels might be too high.

How Can Greens Help in Balancing Sodium Levels? 

When it comes to maintaining a balanced, healthy lifestyle, greens can be your best friend. These nutrient powerhouses not only provide a variety of health benefits, but they also play a key role in balancing sodium levels in your body:

Potassium Content

Greens like spinach, kale, and chard are rich in potassium, a mineral that works in harmony with sodium to regulate fluid balance and blood pressure. By increasing your intake of potassium-rich foods, you can help counteract the effects of excess sodium and maintain a healthier balance.

Natural Diuretic Properties

Certain greens, like asparagus and celery, have natural diuretic properties. This means they can help your body get rid of excess sodium through urine, helping to maintain balanced sodium levels.

Water Content

Greens are high in water content, which is beneficial for maintaining proper hydration and fluid balance.

Rich in Essential Minerals 

Greens are a treasure trove of essential minerals like magnesium and calcium. These minerals, along with sodium, are vital for maintaining electrolyte balance, supporting nerve transmission, muscle contraction, and overall cellular function.

How Do L'Evate You Greens Contribute to Balanced Sodium Levels?

L'Evate You Greens aren't just another addition to the wellness market. They're a testament to Steve Harvey's wellness journey and commitment to promoting health from the inside out

These greens are meticulously formulated to not only contribute to your overall cellular health but also help to balance your sodium levels at the same time. At the heart of L'Evate You Greens is the unique M-Charge Complex, a proprietary cellular energizer that supports your body's natural energy production. 

This complex is designed to enhance the body's ability to maintain a healthy balance of minerals, including sodium, contributing to overall cellular energy and wellness.

The greens in L'Evate You products are naturally low in sodium, making them an excellent choice for those looking to keep their sodium levels in check. They're also packed with essential nutrients, including potassium, which works in synergy with sodium to regulate fluid balance and blood pressure.

Remember L'Evate You Greens aren't a quick-fix supplement; they're a part of a holistic approach to health. When combined with a balanced diet and regular exercise, they can contribute to balanced sodium levels and a gradual, sustained improvement in your energy levels over time.

The Bottom Line

Sodium is an essential mineral that plays several vital roles in our bodies, from maintaining fluid balance to supporting brain function. However, imbalanced sodium levels can lead to a range of health issues, from high blood pressure to cognitive impairment. 

Thankfully, monitoring your sodium levels at home is possible through methods like hydration monitoring and electrolyte test strips.

Leafy greens can be a powerful ally in the quest for balanced sodium levels. They're rich in potassium, have natural diuretic properties, and are high in water content, all of which contribute to balancing sodium levels.

Of course, if you’re looking to take your green to the next level, you may want to try L'Evate You Daily Greens. Powered by the unique M-Charge Complex, our greens powders can not only support balanced sodium levels but also boost your overall cellular health at the same time. 

So, if the goal is balanced sodium levels, why not give L'Evate You Greens Powders a try? Add them to your daily routine, and join us on a journey towards optimal health, elevated energy, and wellness from the inside out. Elevate your wellness with L'Evate You today!


Salt and Sodium | The Nutrition Source | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Hyponatremia: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment | Cleveland Clinic

Hypernatremia | NCBI Bookshelf

Sodium | PMC

What Serum Sodium Concentration Is Suggestive for Underhydration in Geriatric Patients? | PMC

The Role of Sodium in the Production of Edema | NEJM

Sodium Intake and Hypertension | PMC

Association between Dietary Sodium Intake and Cognitive Function in Older Adults | PMC

Sodium Intake and Chronic Kidney Disease | PMC

Heart Failure and Salt: The Great Debate | Harvard Health

Sodium Intake and Osteoporosis. Findings From the Women's Health Initiative | PMC

Electrolyte Imbalance: Types, Symptoms, Causes & Treatment | Cleveland Clinic

High-Salt Diet Gets Involved in Gastrointestinal Diseases through the Reshaping of Gastroenterological Milieu | NCBI Bookshelf

Hyponatremia and the Brain | PMC

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