Vitality Daily Greens - Chocolate
Sip on and enjoy Vitality Daily Greens in Chocolate for total body health and wellness. This delicious daily dose of greens is powered by an M-charge complex that helps target the energy centers of your cells to reinvigorate them.
Experience more daily energy and numerous health benefits in this rich, smooth, chocolatey flavor. It’s so good, you almost mistake it for a milkshake!
- 30 superfoods & 9 greens per serving
- Powered by M-Charge complex
- Promotes healthy aging
- Helps boost athletic performance
- Supports a healthy gut
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22oz. Shaker Bottle ($15 value) with subscription
Sip on and enjoy Vitality Daily Greens in Chocolate for total body health and wellness. This delicious daily dose of greens is powered by an M-charge complex that helps target the energy centers of your cells to reinvigorate them.
Experience more daily energy and numerous health benefits in this rich, smooth, chocolatey flavor. It’s so good, you almost mistake it for a milkshake!
- 30 superfoods & 9 greens per serving
- Powered by M-Charge complex
- Promotes healthy aging
- Helps boost athletic performance
- Supports a healthy gut