Energy Drinks

Are Energy Drinks Bad for You? What To Know

posted 2024 Feb by

In today's fast-paced world, energy drinks have become a very popular choice for many Americans seeking a quick fix to their daily fatigue. From all-nighters for college students to intense workout sessions for gym rats, these caffeinated beverages promise an instant energy boost. 

However, with rising concerns about the ever-expanding list of health risks associated with energy drink consumption, it’s essential to understand what you’re actually consuming and to consider healthier alternatives. 

That's where L'Evate You comes in, Steve Harvey's revolutionary wellness brand that's challenging the status quo for energy and wellness dietary supplements. By supporting energy production in your cells, we can help you elevate your energy levels in a healthy and sustainable way. 

Today, we’re going to explore the negative health effects of energy drinks, how they work, and offer a few alternatives that can support your energy levels and provide a few additional health benefits at the same time. 

What Are Energy Drinks?

Just as their name suggests, energy drinks are beverages designed to give you a quick surge of energy. Brand names like Red Bull, Ghost, Bang, 5 Hour Energy, and Monster have become almost synonymous with this category, carving out their place in the world with flashy marketing campaigns that promise a combination of enhanced mental alertness and physical performance.

Unfortunately, these drinks also bring about a variety of side effects and health problems that make their frequent use risky.

How Do Energy Drinks Work?

Energy drinks combine a cocktail of ingredients designed to stimulate your body and mind, providing a temporary boost of energy. Let's break down some of these common ingredients and how they contribute to the energy-boosting effects of these beverages:

  • Caffeine: One of the most well-known and commonly consumed stimulants worldwide, the effects of caffeine consumption provide a quick jolt of energy, making it the primary active ingredient in most energy drinks. The amount of caffeine in energy drinks can vary significantly, with some containing up to several hundred milligrams of caffeine — equivalent to multiple cups of coffee in a single serving. 
  • Sugar: Often in large amounts, sugar provides a quick source of simple carbohydrates that your body can turn into energy immediately. However, this is typically followed by a “sugar crash” that can make you feel more fatigued. In recent years, many energy drinks have launched sugar-free options that use artificial sweeteners instead to lower the carb content. 
  • Taurine: Taurine is an amino acid that's naturally found in your body. While it's a very common additive featured in energy drinks, its exact role in energy production is unclear. Some studies suggest that it may enhance athletic performance, but more research is needed to make a firm determination of the benefits. 
  • Guarana: Native to the Amazon, the Guarana plant is a highly potent source of caffeine. In fact, guarana seeds contain about twice the caffeine of coffee beans. Not only that, but they’re a source of theobromine, which is another stimulant that can help amplify the energy-boosting effects of energy drinks.
  • Ginseng: A popular herb in traditional medicine, ginseng is often included in energy drinks for its supposed energy-boosting properties. However, scientific evidence to support this is mixed, as the type and dosage of ginseng can have a significant impact on its effects. 
  • B Vitamins: B Vitamins are essential nutrients that play a crucial role in helping your body convert food into energy. Many energy drinks contain high levels of B vitamins, with the idea that more vitamins will lead to more energy. However, your body can only use a certain amount of them and will excrete any excess in your system.
  • L-Carnitine: L-Carnitine is another amino acid that's heavily involved in energy production in your body, especially in your muscle tissue. While it’s often included in energy drinks, its effectiveness in boosting energy in healthy individuals is questionable. The majority of research suggests that it’s most beneficial for people with specific health conditions or deficiencies rather than the general population. 

Are Energy Drinks Bad for You?

There’s no denying the fact that energy drinks can provide a quick rush of energy. However, while these beverages may provide a temporary boost, they can also provide some serious health risks. Let’s take a closer look at some of the critical concerns associated with energy drinks: 

Cardiovascular Problems

Energy drinks, loaded with high levels of caffeine and other stimulants, can significantly impact the cardiovascular system. Some studies have linked excessive caffeine intake with an increased heart rate, high blood pressure, elevated blood sugar levels, and abnormal heart palpitations, which, over time, can all contribute to serious heart-related complications. 

Sleeping Disorders

The caffeine in energy drinks can dramatically interfere with your sleep patterns. Consuming these drinks, especially later in the day, can make it harder to fall asleep or stay asleep. Over time, this can lead to chronic sleep deprivation, which can impact everything from your mood to your immune system.

Dental Issues

The combination of high sugar content and acidity in energy drinks can be a recipe for dental problems. Regular consumption can contribute to tooth decay and erosion for several reasons. Primarily, it’s due to the sugar providing a source of harmful bacteria while the acid can slowly wear away tooth enamel.


While they're often marketed as sports drinks, energy drinks aren't the best choice for hydration during physical activities. The high caffeine content acts as a diuretic, which can lead to increased urination and potential dehydration, particularly during intense exercise.

Kidney Problems

The high levels of caffeine and other additives in energy drinks can put a strain on your kidneys, potentially leading to kidney problems. This risk may be even higher for those who consume energy drinks while also engaging in strenuous physical activity.

Neurological Effects

The overconsumption of energy drinks can lead to various neurological effects, such as jitteriness, anxiety, nervousness, irritability, insomnia, and more. 

What Are the Alternatives to Energy Drinks? 

While energy drinks can provide a quick energy boost, they're not the most sustainable or healthiest option for maintaining your vitality. Luckily, there are plenty of healthier alternatives that can help keep your energy levels steady throughout the day. 

Here's a look at some options you might consider:


It might sound simple, but staying properly hydrated is one of the best ways to maintain your energy levels. Dehydration can lead to feelings of fatigue and lethargy. 

So, before you reach for an energy drink, try drinking a glass of water instead and see if that helps perk you up.

Green Tea

Green tea is a fantastic choice if you're looking for a caffeinated alternative. It contains a moderate amount of caffeine to give you a boost without the jitters, and it's also packed with antioxidants that promote overall health. Plus, the process of brewing and sipping tea can be calming and restorative in itself.

Regular Exercise

While it might seem counterintuitive, getting regular physical activity can actually increase your energy levels. Exercise gets your blood flowing and helps release endorphins, the body's natural mood and energy boosters. Even a quick walk around the block can help you feel more alert and focused.

Adequate Sleep

Good quality sleep is crucial for maintaining your energy levels. When you're well-rested, you're more likely to feel energized and alert throughout the day. So, instead of relying on energy drinks to get you through the day, try prioritizing a good night's sleep.

How Does L'Evate You Products Compare to Energy Drinks? 

When it comes to boosting your energy levels, L'Evate You takes a fundamentally different approach from conventional energy drinks. Rather than relying on high levels of caffeine and sugar for a quick, temporary boost, L'Evate You focuses on improving cellular health and cellular energy for a more sustained and natural increase in your vitality.

At the heart of L'Evate You's products is the unique M-Charge Complex, a proprietary blend formulated by expert physicians and dietitians. This complex is designed to combat mitochondrial decline, a natural part of the aging process that can lead to decreased energy levels over time. 

By targeting the health of these crucial cellular components, L'Evate You offers a gradual, sustained improvement in energy levels. This is a stark contrast to the immediate but fleeting energy surge provided by traditional energy drinks, which can often be followed by an intense crash.

The Bottom Line

Energy drinks, while popular, can come with a host of potential health risks, from cardiovascular issues to sleep disturbances, weight gain, and more. Their promise of immediate energy often overlooks the potential for crashes, jitters, and long-term health effects. 

On the other hand, healthier alternatives offer a more sustainable approach to maintaining energy levels, one that nurtures your body rather than pushing it to its limits.

Choosing L'Evate You means choosing to support your body's natural energy production. It means opting for a solution that doesn't just provide a quick fix but instead works toward long-term wellness. It's a choice that respects your body and understands that true energy comes from within, from the health of our cells.

Swap out the energy drinks for something that offers not just a burst of energy but a healthier, more vibrant you. Experience the difference with L'Evate You, and start your journey toward sustainable wellness today

True vitality isn't about reaching the top as quickly as possible but about elevating your health one step at a time.


Caffeinated Energy Drink Consumption Among Adolescents and Potential Health Consequences Associated With Their Use: a Significant Public Health Hazard | PMC

Caffeine and the Central Nervous System: Mechanisms of Action, Biochemical, Metabolic and Psychostimulant Effects | NCBI Bookshelf

Taurine in Sports and Exercise | Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition

Guarana Provides Additional Stimulation over Caffeine Alone in the Planarian Model | PMC

Efficacy of Ginseng Supplements on Fatigue and Physical Performance: a Meta-Analysis | PMC

B Vitamins | The Nutrition Source | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Carnitine | Health Professional Fact Sheet

Effects of Energy Drinks on the Cardiovascular System | PMC

Energy Drinks and Obesity: Preliminary Results From a Preclinical Study | PMC

Consumption of Energy Drinks and Their Effects on Sleep Quality among Students at the Copperbelt University School of Medicine in Zambia | PMC

Influence of Energy Drinks on Enamel Erosion: In Vitro Study Using Different Assessment Techniques | PMC

Caffeine: Is It Dehydrating or Not? | Mayo Clinic

Acute Kidney Injury and Hepatitis Associated With Energy Drink Consumption: a Case Report | NCBI Bookshelf

Energy Drinks and the Neurophysiological Impact of Caffeine | PMC

Interaction of Energy Drinks with Prescription Medication and Drugs of Abuse | PMC

Beneficial Effects of Green Tea: A Literature Review | PMC

The Health Benefits of Coconut Water | Cleveland Clinic

Mitochondrial Aging and Age-Related Dysfunction of Mitochondria | PMC

Mitochondria | National Human Genome Research Institute

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