Coffee vs. Energy Drinks: Which Is More Harmful?

Coffee vs. Energy Drinks: Which Is More Harmful?

posted 2024 Feb by

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, many of us rely on our morning cup of coffee or an energy drink to get us through the day. But have you ever stopped to consider the impact these beverages have on your health? 

While they may deliver a quick jolt of energy, they often come with a slew of side effects, and their long-term impact on our bodies is less than ideal. Today, we’re going to explore some of these impacts and help understand the potential consequences of relying too heavily on coffee or energy drinks. 

We’ll also introduce you to an alternative to the sugars and caffeine found in these drinks: L’Evate You’s M-Charge Complex

So, buckle up and get ready because we’re about to dive deep into the world of energy!

What Are the Common Ingredients of Coffee? 

Coffee is a complex blend of ingredients, each contributing unique properties to create the beverage we all know and love. 

Let's examine some of the key ingredients of coffee:

  • Coffee Beans: The cornerstone of any coffee drink, coffee beans are seeds harvested from the Coffee plant. They are rich in antioxidants and contain caffeine, a natural stimulant that’s renowned for boosting alertness and diminishing fatigue.
  • Diterpenes: These naturally occurring compounds in coffee, specifically cafestol and kahweol, are found in the oily part of coffee. They have been associated with health effects, such as higher cholesterol levels. However, most of these compounds are removed when coffee is brewed with a paper filter.
  • Chlorogenic Acids: These are a family of antioxidants found in coffee that have been linked to several health benefits, including weight management and inflammation reduction. They also contribute to coffee's somewhat bitter flavor.
  • Niacin: Also known as vitamin B3, niacin is released during the coffee roasting process. It is essential in our diets as it helps convert food into usable energy and supports the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Acrylamide: This chemical forms when coffee beans are roasted at high temperatures. While acrylamide has been labeled a potential health concern, the levels found in coffee are generally considered safe.
  • Trigonelline: This compound in coffee contributes to its enticing aroma and flavor. During roasting, trigonelline breaks down into niacin, further enhancing the vitamin B3 content of coffee.

How Can Coffee Negatively Affect Your Health? 

While coffee is often hailed for its ability to kickstart our day and keep us focused, it's equally important to consider its potential drawbacks. Overconsumption or sensitivity to coffee can lead to health issues, reminding us of the importance of moderation and balance in our diets.


Coffee's primary ingredient, caffeine, is a well-known stimulant. While it can help wake us up, drinking coffee late in the day can interfere with our sleep cycle, leading to insomnia and poor sleep quality, leaving us more tired than before and impacting our overall health and well-being.

Digestive Problems

Some people find that coffee can irritate their stomach and disrupt their digestion, leading to symptoms like heartburn or upset stomach. This is primarily due to coffee's acidity and its ability to stimulate the production of stomach acid.

Increased Heart Rate

Caffeine stimulates the nervous system, which can lead to an increased heart rate. While this might not be a concern for everyone, in some, particularly those with certain health conditions, it can cause irregular heart rhythms or palpitations.


While a small amount of caffeine can enhance focus and mood, too much can have the opposite effect, leading to jitteriness, nervousness, and even anxiety. People with anxiety disorders are often advised to limit their caffeine intake.

Caffeine Dependence

Regular, heavy coffee consumption can lead to caffeine dependence. This can result in withdrawal symptoms like headaches, irritability, and fatigue if you suddenly stop consuming it.


Certain compounds in coffee, notably cafestol and kahweol, can increase cholesterol levels. This is especially true for unfiltered coffee, including French press, espresso, and Scandinavian boiled coffee.

Why Are Energy Drinks So Popular?

Energy drinks have surged in popularity over the past few decades. While they may not have the rich history of coffee, energy drinks have become a go-to beverage for many people in need of a quick energy boost. 

One factor driving the popularity of energy drinks is their promise of instant energy and enhanced performance. In our fast-paced world, many people juggle multiple roles and responsibilities, making the allure of a quick energy fix hard to resist. 

These beverages are often marketed toward young adults and teenagers, with promises of improved concentration and performance. The packaging is bright and appealing, and the brands often sponsor sports events or music festivals, further solidifying their image as a drink for the young and active.

What Are the Common Ingredients in Energy Drinks? 

Energy drinks are often touted as a quick and easy way to boost energy levels. But what's actually inside those colorful cans? 

Let's take a closer look at some of the common ingredients found in these beverages:

  • Taurine: This is an amino acid that's naturally present in the body. It's often included in energy drinks due to its role in nerve growth and function, although its actual impact on energy levels is unclear.
  • B Vitamins: These vitamins are essential for converting food into energy. To promote this energy production, many energy drinks are fortified with B vitamins, including B3, B5, B6, and B12.
  • Sugar: Most energy drinks contain high amounts of sugar, which can provide a quick, short-lived energy boost. However, this is often followed by a "sugar crash," leaving you feeling more tired than before.
  • Guarana: Native to the Amazon, guarana is a plant that naturally contains caffeine. It's often included in energy drinks to enhance their caffeine content and stimulate alertness.
  • Inositol: This is a carbohydrate found in certain foods, as well as in the human body. It's often included in energy drinks, although its effects on energy are not well understood.
  • L-Carnitine: This amino acid plays a role in energy production. While it can benefit certain individuals, such as those with specific metabolic conditions, its benefits in healthy individuals are less clear.
  • Sodium: Many energy drinks contain sodium, an essential mineral that helps maintain fluid balance in the body. However, excessive sodium intake can lead to high blood pressure and other health issues.
  • Artificial Sweeteners: Some energy drinks use artificial sweeteners to reduce their sugar content. While these can make the drink taste sweet without adding calories, some people may experience digestive discomfort or other side effects from these sweeteners.

How Can Energy Drinks Negatively Affect Your Health?

With their promise of instant vitality, energy drinks have become increasingly popular. However, they can have a range of potential health effects that can negatively impact your well-being:

Increased Heart Rate

The high caffeine content in energy drinks can stimulate your heart, leading to an increased heart rate. This can be particularly concerning for those with heart conditions or those who consume these drinks in large quantities.

High Blood Pressure

Caffeine, a primary ingredient in many energy drinks, can cause temporary spikes in blood pressure. Regular consumption of these high-caffeine drinks could potentially lead to long-term blood pressure issues.

Sleep Disturbances

Energy drinks can interfere with your sleep patterns. Consuming them late in the day or in large amounts can lead to insomnia, affecting your overall sleep quality and potentially impacting your health and mood.


The combination of caffeine and sugar in energy drinks can have a dehydrating effect. This can be particularly problematic for those consuming these drinks during physical activity, as it can lead to dehydration and related health issues.

Nervousness and Irritability

The caffeine in energy drinks can cause feelings of nervousness and irritability. This can be particularly pronounced in those who are sensitive to caffeine or who consume these drinks in large quantities.

Digestive Issues

Some people may experience digestive issues after consuming energy drinks, such as stomach upset or acid reflux. This can be due to the high caffeine and sugar content, as well as other additives in these drinks.


Regular consumption of energy drinks can lead to caffeine dependence, with withdrawal symptoms including headaches, fatigue, and irritability.

Which Is More Harmful: Coffee or Energy Drinks?

When it comes to deciding whether coffee or energy drinks are more harmful, it's important to remember that both can have potentially negative effects on your health, especially when consumed in excess.

Coffee, while offering certain health benefits such as antioxidants, can lead to issues like insomnia, digestive problems, and increased heart rate due to its caffeine content. On the other hand, energy drinks often contain not only high levels of caffeine but also large amounts of sugar and other stimulants, which can result in issues like dehydration, weight gain, and even dependence.

While both beverages can provide a temporary energy boost, they don't offer a sustainable solution for maintaining energy levels throughout the day. Plus, they don't address the root cause of low energy, which often lies at the cellular level. 

That’s where L’Evate You comes into the conversation. 

How Does L'Evate You Provide a Healthier Energy Boost?

At the core of L'Evate You's approach to energy is our unique M-Charge Complex. This proprietary blend is designed to function as a cellular energizer, supporting your body's natural energy production process at the most basic level — the mitochondria. 

These tiny powerhouses within our cells create the energy our bodies need to function and thrive. By nourishing the mitochondria, M-Charge helps to support their function, leading to a gradual, sustained improvement in energy over time.

While caffeine can provide a temporary boost, it doesn't address the underlying causes of low energy. And while sugar can give a quick burst of energy, it's often followed by a crash, leaving you feeling more drained than before. Conversely, M-Charge works by supporting your body's natural energy production process, offering a more sustainable solution for maintaining energy levels throughout the day.

So, next time you're in need of an energy boost, consider reaching for L'Evate You Daily Greens instead of a cup of coffee or your favorite energy drink. 

The Bottom Line

While popular, coffee and energy drinks can come with many potential downsides, from sleep disturbances and digestive issues to dependence and nutrient deficiencies. As we've explored, these quick fixes often don't address the root cause of low energy and can even contribute to further health issues over time.

This is why it's so important to consider how much energy we're getting and where it's coming from. By prioritizing our cellular health instead, we can support our bodies' natural energy production processes. 

That's where L'Evate You comes in. Our unique M-Charge Complex is designed to nourish your cells, helping you feel more energized and vibrant from the inside out. It's not a quick fix but a long-term investment in your health and well-being.

So, next time you're in need of an energy boost, consider a healthier, more sustainable option. With L'Evate You, you're not just boosting your energy — you're supporting your body's natural energy production process and investing in your long-term health and well-being. We invite you to join us on this journey to better health and more vibrant energy. Let's elevate your energy and supercharge your health together.


Global Coffee Consumption 2021/21 | Statista

Relationship Between the Chemical Composition and the Biological Functions of Coffee | PMC

The Safety of Ingested Caffeine: A Comprehensive Review | PMC

Energy Drinks Market Worldwide | Statista

The Energy Drinks Industry | Investopedia

Prime Targets: Why Are Teenagers So Obsessed With Energy Drinks? | The Guardian

Energy Beverages: Content and Safety | PMC

Energy Drink Consumption: Beneficial and Adverse Health Effects | PMC

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