25 Proven Ways To Increase Blood Flow to the Brain

25 Proven Ways To Increase Blood Flow to the Brain

posted 2023 Oct by

In the constantly evolving realm of wellness, one thing remains clear — the significance of our brain's health. 

As the command center of our body, it demands our utmost attention. Just like the roots of a plant need water to nourish it, our brains require optimal blood flow to function at their peak. 

But how do you ensure this vital organ receives all it needs? Join us as we dive into 25 proven methods to boost blood flow to your brain and help you embrace a lifestyle that promotes comprehensive well-being.

Why Is Blood Flow to the Brain Important?

A flourishing garden owes its vibrancy to the nourishing waters flowing through its soil. In the same vein, the human brain's vitality heavily depends on the quality of blood flow it receives. 

Beyond the basic function of oxygen supply, the brain relies on steady blood circulation for several essential roles. From energy production to cognitive health, let's unravel the importance of supporting the flow of blood to this central organ.

Nourishes Brain Cells

At the core of our body's operations lie billions of cells working tirelessly. The brain cells, also known as neurons, are no exception, as they’re responsible for transmitting information, controlling bodily functions, and enabling thought processes. For these cells to function efficiently, they require a steady supply of nutrients, which is facilitated by proper blood flow. 

Energy Production

Ever wondered where the brain gets its energy to process countless thoughts, memories, and emotions daily? Well, it’s the combination of glucose and oxygen brought to it by the bloodstream. Maintaining an optimal blood flow is like having a consistent power supply, ensuring that the brain remains energized. 

Cognitive Health

Cognitive function is a generalized term that encompasses various mental processes such as learning, memory, attention, and problem-solving. Healthy blood flow ensures that the brain receives the necessary components to maintain these processes, keeping them sharp and effective.

Waste Removal

An efficient waste disposal system is crucial for any thriving city. Similarly, our brains produce waste byproducts from various metabolic processes. Proper blood flow ensures these waste products are efficiently removed, preventing potential toxic build-up. It's a natural detoxifying mechanism that ensures the brain remains clean and functions without hindrance.

Mood Regulation

Emotions and mood play a massive role in our daily experiences. Blood flow to the brain influences the production and distribution of various hormones and neurotransmitters responsible for our emotional well-being. A consistent circulation ensures a balanced emotional landscape, contributing to feelings of happiness, calmness, and overall well-being.

What Factors Can Affect Blood Flow to the Brain?

One of the most crucial aspects on the journey towards holistic wellness is understanding the nuances of our body's operations. Just as a gardener needs to be aware of the factors that might hinder a plant's growth, we should recognize what could impede the flow of vitality to our brain. 

The fluid stream of blood to our brain, though usually uninterrupted, can nevertheless be heavily influenced by various factors. Some are inevitable, while others stem from our lifestyle choices. 


Much like the wear and tear on a well-loved book, age can naturally affect the elasticity of our blood vessels, causing them to narrow or become blocked over time. This results in reduced blood flow in the brain, which can often result in cognitive decline, memory loss, and brain fog in older adults. 

High Blood Pressure

Imagine a turbulent river, its forceful currents constantly eroding its banks. High blood pressure, or hypertension, acts similarly to this river and can damage the delicate walls of our arteries, impacting cerebral blood flow and the circulatory system in general. Over time, this undue pressure can cause significant vascular harm.

Cholesterol Levels

It’s important to understand that cholesterol isn’t necessarily the enemy of our brains. In fact, this lipid is actually essential for proper brain function, as it helps produce, protect, and nurture your neurons. 

However, when its levels skew higher than required, it can lead to the formation of plaques in our arteries, resulting in low blood flow to the brain. As with all things in life, balance is key. Keeping cholesterol in check ensures a smoother cardiovascular journey for the blood en route to the brain.


Beyond the commonly cited respiratory concerns, smoking can affect our cerebral wellness, too. The harmful compounds in tobacco can narrow blood vessels and reduce the amount of oxygen-rich blood reaching the brain. 

Not only that, but smoking also increases your heart rate. The combination of these factors has a very similar effect on your brain ashigh blood pressure. Like a cloud of smog obscuring sunlight, smoking can become a barrier to optimal brain function.


Our bodies are intricate systems where one imbalance can cascade into another. Obesity, characterized by excessive fat accumulation, is a major risk factor for heart disease and conditions like the aforementioned high blood pressure and increased cholesterol.


Sugar, while a source of quick energy, can become problematic in excess. Diabetes, marked by elevated blood sugar levels, can damage blood vessels over time. This impediment can compromise the steady stream of nourishment that blood supplies to our brains.

Sedentary Lifestyle

A lifestyle that features little to no regular movement can result in poor circulation. Physical activity doesn't merely benefit our muscles and bones; it ensures our blood can easily reach every nook, cranny, and general area of the brain. 


In today's whirlwind world, stress is that uninvited house guest who won’t level even after the party is over. But beyond the immediate feelings of unease, chronic stress can constrict blood vessels, hampering their ability to deliver essential nutrients to the brain. 

25 Ways To Increase Blood Flow to the Brain

Now that we’ve covered why blood flow to the brain is important and the factors that can impact it, let’s get into the various ways that you can improve it. 

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution, so you’ll probably have to incorporate several of these methods. The good news is that not only will they help increase blood flow to your brain, but they’ll also contribute to healthier living in general. 

1. Maintain Healthy Blood Pressure

Our body's intricate highway of blood vessels thrives best under balanced conditions. Monitoring and maintaining blood pressure within optimal levels ensures that this highway remains smooth, without any undue stress on its walls, allowing our brain to receive its due share of nutrients and oxygen.

2. Get Regular Aerobic Exercise

Consider aerobic exercises as the rhythmic heartbeat of our wellness journey. Activities like walking, jogging, or cycling pump more oxygen-rich blood to the brain, clearing the mental dysfunction and rejuvenating our cerebral faculties.

3. Maintain a Healthy Body Weight

Our body seeks balance. Staying within the realm of a healthy weight reduces the risk of conditions that might impede blood flow to different parts of the brain. Think of it as maintaining equilibrium in a delicately balanced ecosystem.

4. Consume Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3s, found abundantly in fatty fish like salmon, are superstars when it comes to your cardiovascular system. Chief among the long list of benefits they provide is that they can help improve the elasticity of blood vessels and lower cholesterol levels, ensuring that our brain receives a steady flow of vitality.

5. Eat Leafy Greens and Beets High in Nitrates

Leafy greens and beets, teeming with nitrates, can help support the blood vessels and encourage the production of nitric oxide. The combination of these factors can encourage blood flow to the brain.

6. Increase Antioxidant Intake

Imagine antioxidants as the valiant knights guarding our body's fortress. Found in foods like berries, nuts, and dark chocolate, they combat oxidative stress, ensuring our blood vessels remain undamaged and can effectively channel nourishment to our brain.

7. Control Blood Glucose Levels

The ebb and flow of glucose in our bloodstream need monitoring. As we mentioned earlier, elevated glucose can, over time, impact blood vessel health. By managing these levels, we ensure the rivers of nourishment to our brain remain unhindered.

8. Avoid High Cholesterol Foods

There’s no getting around the fact that your brain needs cholesterol to function properly. However, an excess of cholesterol can be highly counterproductive. It’s best to steer clear of foods high in cholesterol (such as red meat, processed foods, and full-fat dairy) to ensure that the pathways to our brain remain clear.

9. Stay Hydrated

Water is the essence of life and, unsurprisingly, plays a pivotal role in our cerebral health. Being well-hydrated ensures our blood maintains its optimal viscosity, facilitating smooth flow to the brain. Think of it as keeping the streams that feed our cerebral garden continually flowing.

10. Limit Alcohol Consumption

While the occasional glass of wine or beer might be enjoyable, it’s important to remember that moderation is crucial. Excessive alcohol can constrict blood vessels, affecting the flow to our brain. By practicing a little restraint, we can more effectively safeguard our brain’s well-being.

11. Quit Smoking

Even the most stubborn smokers have to admit that it’s a bad habit. Beyond the well-known impact on the lungs, it directly impacts the blood's ability to transport oxygen, compromising its flow to the brain. 

12. Prioritize Good Quality Sleep

Sleep is an essential part of our health and plays a pivotal role in rejuvenating our brains. It's the nightly retreat where our cerebral circuits rest and recalibrate. Ensuring seven to nine hours of restful slumber can help lay the foundation for optimal blood flow and brain health.

13. Practice Mindfulness and Meditation

In the bustling pace of life, mindfulness and meditation emerge as serene sanctuaries. These practices not only calm the mind but also enhance blood flow to the brain, much like gentle streams nurturing a vast, vibrant forest.

14. Get Regular Check-ups to Monitor Heart Health

The heart dictates the rhythm of blood flow. By getting regular check-ups, we can be attuned to its particular melodies, ensuring that it provides enough oxygen to the brain.

15. Take Supplements

Nature's bounty, though vast, might sometimes need a little adjusting. Supplements, when chosen wisely, can fill the gaps, promoting better blood flow to the brain. Omega-3, B vitamins, and vitamin E are some of the most popular supplements to support brain health.

16. Keep Mentally Active

Like a seasoned musician practicing his scales, keeping our brain mentally active ensures it stays in top form. Whether it's solving puzzles, reading, or learning a new skill, these activities enhance blood flow, sharpening our cerebral faculties.

17. Stay Socially Engaged

Human beings, at their core, are social creatures. Engaging in meaningful conversations, participating in group activities, or simply being part of a community not only nourishes our soul but also has a positive impact on our brain's blood flow.

18. Eat a Balanced Diet

Our diet paints the canvas of our health. A balanced diet teeming with colorful fruits, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats ensures our bloodstream carries the best of nutrients to our brain, nurturing it with every heartbeat.

19. Manage Stress Levels

Stress can wreak havoc on our cardiovascular system. Finding healthy avenues to manage it — whether through hobbies, exercise, or simply moments of quiet reflection — ensures our brain remains bathed in a consistent flow of vitality.

20. Avoid Prolonged Periods of Inactivity

While moments of stillness have their charm, our body thrives in movement. Avoiding prolonged inactivity and interspersing our day with stretches, short walks, or any form of physical activity helps in maintaining the river of nourishment to our brain.

21. Get Massages

The allure of a massage is more than just how good it can feel — a massage can also provide plenty of health benefits. Gentle pressure, kneading, and rhythmic movements not only soothe our muscles but also boost circulation. Combining the physical benefits with the mental aspect of relaxation serves as a double whammy for our brains.

22. Take Regular Breaks

The daily grind has a reputation for breaking us down unless we take steps to prevent it. Taking regular breaks, even if for a few moments, serves as a reset, allowing our body and brain to rejuvenate. Such an intermission might not sound like much, but it sets the stage for a healthy blood flow. 

23. Stay Warm

Ensuring we are comfortably warm, especially during colder months, ensures our blood vessels remain relaxed and expansive instead of tight and restricted. Remember that blood is like a river, and it needs to flow freely to reach the places where it’s needed. 

24. Eat Less Salt

Salt, while it adds flavor to our dishes, should be consumed in moderation. Excessive salt can challenge our circulatory system and often contribute to hypertension. By being mindful of our salt intake, we can help create a more harmonious flow of nutrients and oxygen to our brains.

25. Laugh More Often

Laughter, often hailed as the best medicine, can do wonders for our health. It relaxes our blood vessels, boosts heart rate, and enhances blood flow. Embracing humor ensures that our brain receives a vibrant dose of wellness.

How Can L'Evate You's M-Charge Complex Support Healthy Blood Flow to the Brain?

As you can see, there are a variety of good health practices that support a better supply of blood to your brain. While the combination of the 25 factors listed above can certainly help, we’d like to offer you yet another option: L’Evate You Greens. Our signature blend isn’t just nutrient-rich — it’s a powerful ally on the path to wellness, and we’re happy to break down why. 

Enhances Cellular Health

At the core of our well-being lie our cells, and our M-Charge Complex ensures they hum in optimal harmony. By bolstering cellular health, it can also support blood flow, ensuring our brain remains a well-nurtured sanctuary.

Promotes Internal Wellness

Wellness begins deep inside, and that’s why we focus on supporting the mitochondria of your cells. Supporting this essential piece of living has a snowball effect that eventually triggers an avalanche of positive health.

Natural Solution

Everything we offer is rooted in natural ingredients, with no chemicals or additives required. It’s merely a few items that you’ll find in nature, featured in the right proportions, and specifically designed to support you on a cellular level

Supports a Healthy Lifestyle

Our products are designed to be a piece of a larger, healthier lifestyle. Our products aren’t a magical elixir that will transform you into an Olympic athlete. Instead, they’re designed to support you while you embrace a healthier, balanced, and more holistic lifestyle. 

The Bottom Line

Our brains rely on us to make decisions that support a steady blood flow. Virtually every choice that we make in life, from our diets to our habits to how often we laugh and how much we relax, has some kind of impact. 

While you’re at it, you can also try out some of our products here at L’Evate You. Showing love to your cells can cause a ripple effect that affects everything in your body, including the amount of blood flowing to your brain. Place your order today and elevate your daily routine!


Control of Cerebral Blood Flow | NCBI Bookshelf

Sugar for the Brain: The Role of Glucose in Physiological and Pathological Brain Function | PMC

Waste Clearance in the Brain | Frontiers

Feel-Good Hormones: How They Affect Your Mind, Mood and Body | Harvard Health

Age-Related Vascular Stiffening: Causes and Consequences | PMC

Health Threats from High Blood Pressure | American Heart Association

Brain Cholesterol: Long Secret Life Behind a Barrier | AHA Journals

How Smoking Affects the Heart and Blood Vessels | NIH

Obesity and Overweight | WHO

Vascular Complications of Diabetes: Mechanisms of Injury and Protective Factors | PMC

Sedentary Lifestyle: Overview of Updated Evidence of Potential Health Risks | PMC

Stress and High Blood Pressure: What’s the Connection? | Mayo Clinic

How Much Sleep Do You Really Need? | National Sleep Foundation

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