10 Worst Energy Drinks for You (15 Best Alternatives)

10 Worst Energy Drinks for You (15 Best Alternatives)

posted 2024 Feb by

We’ve all been there before when that mid-afternoon slump kicks in, and you’re desperate for enough energy to get through the day. For many people, the solution is to simply reach for their preferred energy drink and slam it down. 

However, while the energy boost promised by these drinks is certainly very tempting, plenty of potential drawbacks might make you reconsider. But what if we told you there was a better way to boost your energy while avoiding these concerns? 

Enter L’Evate You and our unique approach to sustainable energy. In this article, we’ll talk about the dangers of energy drinks, a few alternatives to try out, and why L’Evate You can provide you with the long-term energy support you’re looking for. 

Why Are Some Energy Drinks Bad for You? 

Energy drinks, particularly the worst offenders that we’ll talk about shortly, are often loaded with high amounts of caffeine and sugar. While these ingredients can indeed provide a significant energy boost, they can also cause a lot of problems to your overall health.

The high caffeine content found in energy drinks, often in the range of 200-300 milligrams of caffeine per can, can lead to an increased heart rate and blood pressure. Healthcare professionals caution that a regular caffeine intake this high can put undue stress on your heart and may lead to heart disease over time.

What’s more is that the high sugar levels in these drinks can cause a rapid spike in blood sugar, followed by a crash that leaves you feeling even more fatigued than before. This roller coaster of blood sugar levels isn’t just detrimental to your energy levels but can also contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes.

As more people are becoming aware of the dangers of added sugars, most energy drink brands have started using artificial sweeteners for “sugar-free” options. For example, sucralose is found in many energy drinks marketed as zero sugar. 

However, these compounds have been linked to negative effects for both gut bacteria and insulin resistance, which means they might not be as beneficial of an alternative as one would think. 

The 10 Worst Energy Drinks for You

Energy drinks are everywhere these days, so there’s no shortage of options. However, the overwhelming majority of options aren’t exactly good for you.

Instead of reading through the nutritional value of every energy drink option, we’ve compiled a list of the 10 worst energy drinks for you: 

1. Rockstar

Rockstar is one of the most popular energy drinks on the market, but it's also one of the worst for you. Each can has a whopping 63 grams of sugar, more than double the recommended daily intake. It's also loaded with 240 mg of caffeine, which can cause jitters, anxiety, and sleep disturbances. 

2. Monster

Monster is another energy drink high on the list of worst offenders. It boasts a high caffeine content (179 mg per can) and a high sugar content (54 grams per can). This combination can lead to a quick energy boost, followed by a crash. 

3. Red Bull

Red Bull may give you wings, but it can also give you health problems, too. A single can of Red Bull contains 27 grams of sugar and 80 mg of caffeine. While this might seem lower than Rockstar or Monster, the smaller can size means you're getting a concentrated dose of these ingredients. 

4. Bang

Bang Energy Drink markets itself as a zero-calorie, zero-sugar option, but it's still not as healthy of a choice as that would sound. It contains a staggering 300 mg of caffeine per can, one of the highest amounts on the market. 

Plus, while it may not have sugar, it does contain artificial sweeteners, which can have negative effects on gut health.

5. NOS

Named after nitrous oxide, a substance used to boost the speed of cars, NOS Energy Drink is designed to give you a quick energy boost. However, this comes at a cost. Each can contains 54 grams of sugar and 160 mg of caffeine.

6. Full Throttle

Full Throttle is another energy drink that's high in sugar and caffeine. Each can packs in 58 grams of sugar, well above the daily recommended intake. Its caffeine content stands at 160 mg, which can lead to an uncomfortable buzz or jitteriness.

7. 5-Hour Energy

Don't let the small size of 5-Hour Energy fool you. This tiny bottle contains a potent mix of caffeine (200 mg) that rivals the content of other energy drinks despite being much smaller. While it's sugar-free, it uses artificial sweeteners, which have been linked to a range of health issues.

8. AMP

AMP Energy Drink, a product of PepsiCo, is another beverage that can do more harm than good. Each can contains 58 grams of sugar and 142 mg of caffeine. It also includes taurine and guarana, both of which can exacerbate the effects of caffeine.

9. Reign

Reign positions itself as a performance energy drink and boasts about the added amino acids and B vitamins that can naturally support your energy. However, its caffeine content is a staggering 300 mg per can, which is one of the highest on the market and can bring a lot of negative side effects. 

10. C4

C4 Energy Drink is popular among gym-goers for its supposed performance-enhancing effects. However, it contains a high amount of caffeine (200 mg per can) and artificial sweeteners. It also includes a proprietary blend of ingredients whose effects aren’t fully understood, leaving a lot of questions about the product

What Are the Best Alternatives to Energy Drinks?

Energy drinks might be more popular than ever, but that doesn’t mean that you have to drink them. 

Here are 15 of the best alternatives to energy drinks that can give you extra energy without all of the negative side effects:

  • Water: Water is the ultimate beverage for hydration and maintaining energy levels. It helps transport nutrients in the blood that are used for energy and helps rid the body of waste and toxins.
  • Green Tea: Green tea is packed with antioxidants and provides a gentle energy boost without the jitters. Plus, it's been linked to numerous health benefits, from weight loss to improved brain function.
  • Black Tea: Black tea offers a moderate amount of caffeine and is rich in antioxidants. It can enhance focus and energy without the crash that comes with more intense stimulants.
  • Coffee: Coffee is a natural source of caffeine and can help improve focus and energy. However, it's important to keep consumption moderate and avoid adding excessive amounts of sugar or cream.
  • Fresh Fruit Juice: Freshly squeezed fruit juice not only tastes great but also provides natural sugars for a quick energy boost. Plus, it offers a host of essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Smoothies: Smoothies made with additives like fruits, vegetables, and a protein source can provide sustained energy. They're a balanced source of fiber, protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats.
  • Coconut Water: Coconut water is a refreshing, natural beverage that's packed with essential electrolytes like potassium, sodium, and manganese, which makes it a great choice for hydration and energy.
  • Yerba Mate: Yerba Mate is a traditional South American drink known for its energy-boosting properties. It provides a smooth increase in energy and is loaded with beneficial antioxidants and nutrients.
  • Kombucha: Kombucha is a fermented tea that's rich in probiotics and B vitamins. It can help boost your gut health and energy levels.
  • Matcha Tea: Matcha is a type of green tea that's especially high in antioxidants and provides a calm, focused energy boost. It's a great alternative to the jittery energy provided by many energy drinks.
  • Chia Seed Drink: Drinks made with chia seeds can provide a sustained energy boost, thanks to their healthy mix of protein, fiber, carbs, and fats. They're also packed with antioxidants.
  • Almond Milk: Almond milk is a great source of vitamin E and can provide a gentle energy boost. It's also a great choice for those who are lactose intolerant or looking to cut down on dairy.
  • Ginger Tea: Ginger tea not only helps with digestion but also has invigorating properties that can help boost your energy levels. Plus, it's a warming and comforting drink.
  • Peppermint Tea: Peppermint tea can help improve focus and concentration, making it a great choice for a midday pick-me-up. Plus, it's caffeine-free, so it won't interfere with your sleep.

How Does L'Evate You Differ From Energy Drinks?

In the fast-paced world that we live in, quick fixes and instant gratification are often prioritized over our health, L'Evate You supplements take a different approach. Unlike the energy drinks listed above, L'Evate You isn’t interested in providing an immediate surge of energy. 

Instead, our products are designed to promote your cellular health and provide a gradual, sustained improvement to your energy levels over time. One of the key ways L'Evate You differs from the energy drinks we've discussed is its lack of caffeine

While caffeine can provide a temporary energy boost, it often leads to an energy crash later on and contributes to health issues over time. On the other hand, our products are designed to provide consistent energy throughout the day without the peaks and valleys often associated with caffeine.

The secret behind L'Evate You's sustained energy boost is our unique M-Charge Complex. This proprietary blend of ingredients is designed to energize your cells in a healthier, more natural way. 

Instead of relying on high amounts of caffeine and sugar, the M-Charge Complex works at a cellular level to support your body's natural energy production and promote overall wellness.

The Bottom Line

The common energy drinks on the market might offer a quick fix, but they often come laden with potential health risks. They can lead to energy crashes, contribute to chronic health conditions, and simply don't support your body's natural energy production. It's clear that for sustainable energy and overall wellness, we need healthier alternatives.

While plenty of options can support your energy needs in healthier ways, none of them shine the same way as L’Evate You. With our unique M-Charge Complex that’s formulated to support your mitochondria, our products can offer a gradual and sustained improvement in energy over time. 

It’s not a quick energy boost — it’s support for your body’s natural processes, helping you feel better from the inside out. 

Choosing L'Evate You is choosing to support your body in the way it deserves. It's choosing to prioritize your health and wellness. And ultimately, it's choosing to live a life elevated above the norm. 

So, isn't it time to make a smarter choice for your energy needs? Consider making the switch to L'Evate You today.


Energy Drinks | NCCIH

Spilling the Beans: How Much Caffeine is Too Much? | FDA

Associations between Total and Added Sugar Intake and Diabetes among Chinese Adults: The Role of Body Mass Index | PMC

Artificial Sweeteners as a Sugar Substitute: Are They Really Safe? | PMC

Beneficial Effects of Green Tea: A Literature Review | PMC

Electrolytes | NCBI Bookshelf

Effects of Protein Supplementation on Performance and Recovery in Resistance and Endurance Training | PMC

Chia Seeds (Salvia Hispanica L.): A Therapeutic Weapon in Metabolic Disorders | PMC

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