The Lab

May 03, 2023

Can Allergies Make You Tired? What You Need To Know

Nothing says springtime like the warm sun on your skin, the possibility of new adventures, and thick, powdery pollen. 

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May 02, 2023

High Energy Foods for Lunch: Avoid the Mid-Day Slump

Every day around 2:00 p.m., you feel it. That midday slump that has you heading to the break room to pour out the last dredges of burned coffee still lingering in the office coffee pot. At this point, it’s more habit than helpful. You wonder if this is how you’re supposed to feel at your age and what happened to the youthful energy you once had. 

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May 01, 2023

Do Antibiotics Make You Tired? Everything You Need To Know

You thought you’d feel better after your doctor prescribed you an antibiotic for your sinus infection. Instead, you feel slightly nauseous, have an upset stomach, and can’t seem to wake up. Is the lack of energy you are experiencing a carry-over from your illness or a side effect of your antibiotic?

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May 01, 2023

How To Increase Energy and Motivation: 10 Easy Tips

In your twenties, you feel invincible. You can work a full-time job, hit the gym, and even go out with friends on just a few hours of sleep. With age, you begin to slow down. It’s a less desirable fact of life. You may feel like a lack of energy affects your ability to think properly, do what you love, or stay motivated to work.

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May 01, 2023

What Is Cellular Health and Why Is It Important?

Just like self-care and mindfulness are buzzwords you hear in the health and wellness arena, so is cellular health. Anytime there’s a mention of cells, it’s easy to feel as overwhelmed as you might have been in high school biology. 

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April 30, 2023

Why Do I Wake Up Tired? Causes and Solutions

Hitting the snooze button one too many times, feeling groggy, and yearning for that extra cup of coffee can all be signs that something is wrong with our sleep. Sleep becomes strained as we get older, and our patterns and habits can cause us to wake up tired, even if we think we’re getting plenty of shut-eye. 

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