The Lab

April 30, 2023

Why Do I Get Tired After Drinking Coffee?

Day after day, cup after cup, we pour coffee into our bodies and hope for the revival of our energy levels (and maybe even our souls). We’ve got a lot riding on our cup of Joe, and when it leaves us feeling less than energized, we feel conned. 

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April 29, 2023

A Guide to Mitochondria Supplements for Energy

Where do you turn when you’ve exhausted caffeine as an energy resource? You turn to your cells. Although stimulants, like coffee and energy drinks, have benefits and can give us a quick energy fix, long-lasting, sustainable energy takes more work. 

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April 29, 2023

9 High Energy Meals To Fuel Your Day

We’re busy people, and our lives demand the most of us each day. It’s true that you can’t pour from an empty cup, and you can’t perform your daily activities with energy levels that sink by mid-morning. 

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April 27, 2023

7 Toxic Habits That Drain Your Energy: Tips To Feel Refreshed

Everyone comes to the end of themselves at some point. Whether you’re feeling overwhelmed at work, struggling to keep up with a busy home schedule, or feeling like your wellness journey has reached a plateau, you’re looking for ways to feel better. Maybe your wellness journey is just beginning, and you’re searching for ways to renew your mind, improve your health, and change your life.

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April 27, 2023

What Are Supergreens? 6 Surprising Health Benefits

Anything considered “super” sounds like something that belongs in your diet. Want an example? Look no further than supergreens. These unique superfoods can have a wide range of potential health benefits with their long list of vitamins and nutrients.
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April 27, 2023

How To Use Microgreens: 4 Tips for Maximizing the Nutritional Benefits

Microgreens have become a grocery store staple as much as they are a social media standard. These tiny, leafy greens line the produce department in aesthetically pleasing rows just like they adorn your favorite health and wellness influencer’s dinner plate. 

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