The Lab

April 24, 2023

Benefits of Microgreens: Everything To Know

Improving your health is a little like improving your bank account: you just need a little more green. Luckily, adding green to your diet is usually much easier than adding green to your wallet. Consider microgreens. These miniature vegetables, typically reserved for garnishes, are packed with nutrients that support a healthy body.

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April 23, 2023

Best and Worst Foods for Gut Health: 5 Foods To Avoid

People who talk about their guts can be divided into two groups: those who are referring to gut health and those who are referring to the extra weight they might be carrying around their midsections. No matter where you are on the gut conversation spectrum, this guide can help fix your gut.

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April 22, 2023

Why Does Sugar Make Me Tired? What To Know

Your morning routine of popping into the local donut shop for two breakfast crullers is a habit that might not be serving you. Those delicious pastries sprinkled with sugar and filled with doughy goodness could be leaving you feeling tired by mid-morning. 
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April 19, 2023

Why Do Energy Drinks Make Me Tired?

We’ve all been there. Whether it’s pushing to meet a deadline or trying to avoid that midday crash, we’ve all desperately gulped down caffeine to keep ourselves going. Many adults consume caffeine every day in the form of coffee or energy drinks.

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April 18, 2023

Why Am I Tired After 8 Hours of Sleep?

If you’re still tired after getting a solid eight hours of sleep, it’s okay — many of us have this problem without ever pinpointing the reason why. Still, it doesn’t mean that we should accept daily fatigue as the norm.

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April 18, 2023

14 Best Foods To Boost Your Energy Levels

Coffee may be your go-to solution when you hit a midday energy slump, but we’re about to turn that idea on its head. Everyone needs an energy boost from time to time, but what if you could find a solution for creating sustainable energy throughout your day? Imagine what you could accomplish if you felt just a little more like you did when you were younger. 

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